another classic original drawing by scribbles- YES, I can draw too!
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And unlike the past two years, the fun will continue all Summer long, with more new stuff for you to enjoy. If you have things you'd like to see in scribbles, we'd love to include them, so email us at
Thanks for making scribbles part of your daily routine and keep coming back because you never know what exciting new things you'll find next.
Rub a Dub Dub, I Sure Like This Tub!
Diane Murray's niece Kailey enjoys her Auntie's new tub
(almost as much as we enjoy sharing this great photo with you)
Easy Rider
No, Timmi isn't getting ready for the Friday the 13th Biker's Bash in Port Dover, he's reluctantly wearing a Harley Davidson cap I got him. It had been a few years since I put it on him and his reaction was pretty much the same this time around..."Take the picture then take this thing off me, I do not wear hats!"
If I were able to enter our READERS PHOTO CONTEST, I'd submit this one, but alas, I cannot. But YOU CAN! We've already received a few very cool entries. You have until May 26 to find the ideal photo and send it to scribbles. You could win a mp3 audio/video player.
And for my next trick,
I shall blow bubbles...without using a wand.
My nephew Graham is seen here posing with the flower he made his mom Jane. We'll show you how much fun he had with all his family on Mother's Day (myself included) soon. Hope all our mom's out there had a great Mother's Day.
Janet Miller, Tim McGraw and Ken Leavoy in this scribbles exclusive photo
Stand By Your Man

Today I discovered that Janet will be attending Tim McGraw's concert in Hamilton on June 27th. That's the same concert I will be at with our Talk Wireless pal Connie Bering [right].
Gee maybe we'll run into each other there Janet. But I'll tell you the same thing I told Connie, you can look but you can't touch, Tim's all mine!! LMAO. [hey, a "girl" can dream]
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Pool Inspector at Work
Looks like French Bull Dog Preston is quite interested in what is going on in the backyard fish pond found at the house he shares with his doggie sister Raina and human "mommy" Becky. "Mom" was cleaning out the fish pond with her new vacuum and Preston made sure the job was done right.
Timmi and I joined Preston, Raina and Becky for a visit and "lupper" (OK, yes we made that term up ourselves, based on the brunch idea, "lupper" is a late lunch or earler supper) Becky made amazing BBQ burgers and her sister Susan had dropped off her world-famous macaroni salad because she knew I was going to be there for a bite. How sweet is she?? "Mary", "Jack" loved the salad and I am so happy you are back in St Catharines (can't wait to see the new place).
Thanks for a great afternoon Becky, I'm happy to have been of assistance figuring out the pond vacuum hoses (who knew that the round end of the hose would fit on the round opening?) LOL
Spring Has Sprung in Becky's backyard.
Here's a shot of one of her flowerbeds.
Becky has big plans for the yard this year and Timmi and I can't wait to see it again in full bloom.
encore readers recipe:
pkg tubette macaroni *
dice 1 small red pepper
dice1 bunch green onions
dice 2 stalks celery
chop 6 boiled eggs
chopped red cabbage
1 regular size jar Hellman's Mayo
1/2 cup melted butter
All of the above quantities can be changed to suit your own taste. Cook the macaroni according to package
directions...drain Add chopped eggs and melted butter...blend well (the butter prevents the salad from becoming too watery the second day)
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.You may find that the salad needs more mayo after it's been chilled.
[*Ken adds: The tubette style macaroni is an important ingredient to this recipe. I guess it would work with other macaroni, but it just isn't "Susan's Amazing Macaroni Salad" without the tubettes. Susan's other secret ingredient is love and fortunately we have the kind of readers that know exactly how to add that special touch. Happy cooking...I'll gladly sample to see if you got it just right : ) ]

And now Timmi gives us
his imitation of me doing a back stretch...

Good Boy Timmi...let's go get a cookie.

remember you can view our photos in large format by clicking on them
Doggie Play Day
"Little" Gonish is all grown up these days as we see in these pix. Gonish lives in Port Colborne with his human "dads" Dave and Chris. They recently enjoyed a wet and wild outing with who appear to be Gonish's siblings (either that or Dave and Chris have increased the family two foldsince we last caught up with them.
Lake Erie might be a bit cold for us human folk, but as you can see above the happy dogs found it very invigorating.
Leapin' Lizards!
When our pal Katie Lacey recently went to Cuba, she took lots of festive pix and posted them on facebook. We liked them all, but this one was just a little different and so we're featuring it here today. I'm not sure what lizard-type creature this exactly is, but he looks pretty harmless. When I was in the Bahamas 10 years ago, there were little lizards everywhere, so maybe this guy is a relative of theirs.
and now in the struggle of Women vs. Nature, here's our score:
Women: 0 Nature: 1
When our Niagara pals Rhonda and Sharon recently installed a new light fixture outside their home, they thought it would be a good source of light in the evenings. Unfortunately, a momma robin had other plans for the pretty new fixture and built a nest on it.

letter from a child:

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Future Olympian?
Our Welland friend Pat Fenerty was only too pleased to let scribbles share this photo of her great niece Olivia. Pat posted the adorable pix on facebook where she says 8 month old Olivia is doing her Esther Williams impression and will be ready for the Olympics around 2023! Mark your calendars folks, we might just have a gold medalist here.
'Teflon Man' Brian...
"He's Everywhere, He's Everywhere!"
Imagine his surprise when Jack-of-all-Trades Brian Heit saw this month’s edition of ‘SNAP- ST CATHARINES‘.
There on the paper’s front page (in glorious living colour) was a half page photo featuring Brian and his lovely wife Marcy, dressed in funky tie-dye clothes.

What a Doll
Little Alina Denis just gets cuter by the minute. Check out those big beautiful eyes -so sweet!
Arriving in January, Alina's parents Heather and Rodney opted for a home birth, assisted by two midwives. The couple were even featured in the Welland Tribune newspaper, along with their 4 year old son Kade -so little Alina has been a local media starlet right from the day she was born.
email from our readers
"Thanks to Scribbles, I only just found out about the existence of that very sorry character, Misery Bear...! Scribbles helps me to stay up to date with what's going on in the outside world!! Just when we think our life couldn't get much tougher, all we have to do is think of Misery's life is as bad as his!! "
Francesca Mackie
Toronto, ON
[Glad you like Misery Bear Francesca. He does have it pretty bad eh? Makes my life seem pretty good...hahaha.]

remember you can view our photos in large format by clicking on them
At Talk Wireless, two of the people I have the pleasure of working with are Pam Hopkins [top left] and Diane Murray [top middle]. As we discovered some time ago, we're all fans of the old Bewitched series. Because of this Pam is Samantha, Diane is Endora and I've been typecast as Uncle Arthur....LMGAO.
Recently Pam ("Sammy") found herself in Salem with her beau and they stumbled across the Bewitched statue seen below. Pam said she just had to take a photo of Samantha, since that's her character. Very cool Sammy, did you happen to see an Uncle Arthur statue anywhere??
"Oh my stars!! Uncle Arthur!!"
"Arthur, grow up and take that ridiculous spell off Samantha"

Happy (and Soggy) Trails To You
Recently our weather has seen lots of gray and rainy days and a major windstorm that left trees downed, hydro out, roofs removed and one man dead, after being hit by a steel door. Not much of a Spring so far, I'd say.
Then there was today (Sat.Apr. 30). The sun was shining and the temperature was warm. A beautiful day and excellent time to go for a 'walkie' with my pal Timmi. Just across the street from the apartment building I live in, there is a park and a trail than runs behind houses. Once the location of railway tracks, the trail travels a great distance. It was still pretty soggy in areas and since both Timmi and I are out of shape, we did not travel too far this time out, just long enough to enjoy some sunshine and release some endorphins.