Getting Ready For His 6th Birthday
"Sister Jane" tells us he's into Scooby Doo and who could blame him? I'm still a fan at a much larger age number than "Little Man" :)
Can't wait for your big birthday buddy! Timmi might pop by to say hello too!

Some days, you just want to curl up
and make the world go away.
But don't forget to reach out
to the special people that make up your life.
They are there for you in good and bad,
so don't choose to leave them.
-Ken Leavoy

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Shut Up and Drive
They grow up so quickly! She can't even walk yet, and already 9 month old Alina Dennis loves to drive! I took this cute photo on Thanksgiving Monday, while joining Rob and his family at the home of his twin brother Rodney and his wife Heather. We enjoyed a great turkey dinner with all the trimmings and Rob's mom Merry made delicious tarts as part of our dessert (Chocolate Cherry cheesecake was also on the menu, thanks to Heather.)
We ate early at 2 pm in order to accomodate Rob who had to work later in the afternoon and it was nice to see everyone again. Same time next year Rodney and Heather?
Trains, "Plains" and Automobiles...
...Marsha's Amazing Northern Getaway Included All of Them
Her usual holiday destination is Ireland, but this Fall, Marsha Scott stayed on Canadian soil for her vacation. Marsha's travelling companions were her sister Brenda and her very spry 93 year old mother Yvonne.
The game plan was to visit Marsha's brother Brian at his cottage near Kirkland Lake, then leave her mom there to visit with Brian, while Marsha and Brenda ventured further north to Moosonee.
After an overnight stopover in North Bay, it was off to Kirkland Lake, to visit brother Brian, his family and their serene cottage on Lake Kapaketa. From the photos Marsha sent us, it is obvious why Brian loves this place. His nearest neighbour is miles away and it is so peaceful and picture perfect there.
Marsha and Brenda were off bright and early the following day, destination: Cochrane Ontario. In order to make their way to Moosonee, Marsha and Brenda would then travel by train for the next 5 hours as there are no roads to get there.
Moosonee and Moose Factory Island are Cree reserves as was evident by many of the signs, posted first in Cree, then English and third French.
One of the most astonishing things Marsha and Brenda would discover while visiting Moosonee and Moose Factory would be just how expensive every day household items cost. Because everything is shipped there by train, you pay dearly for these items, as you will discover below.
Marsha told us she often had to remind herself that she was indeed still in Ontario, as her surroundings were so unlike what she was used to. The girls had a great time seeing how people live, in such a remote location.
Before they knew it, it was time to take a train back, eventually returning to Marsha's brother's cottage in Kirkland Lake to pick up her mom and make their way back to the big city of St Catharines. Another amazing destination to check off her "bucket list". Where in the world will Marsha go next Autumn? We don't know yet, but you can bet we'll be the first to tell you all about it, as only scribbles can do.
I'm not sure if I'd ever go to Moose Factory, it's a bit too remote for my liking, but it sure was nice to visit it vicariously through your photos and stories, Marsha. Thanks for sharing with scribbles!
Claudia Silva* is a female impersonator, pageant co-ordinator, entertainer and active charity fundraiser, operating out of the St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Thorold region, who has a popularity that spans two countries due to her extensive travelling within the International Court System.
This group is not a cult, it is a meeting place for all ...those who admire Claudia for all the hard work and dedication she brings to her charity work, the laughter she brings to her audiences and the joy she brings to her friends. We love you Claudia.
See her up close - click pix for larger version
They grow up so quickly! She can't even walk yet, and already 9 month old Alina Dennis loves to drive! I took this cute photo on Thanksgiving Monday, while joining Rob and his family at the home of his twin brother Rodney and his wife Heather. We enjoyed a great turkey dinner with all the trimmings and Rob's mom Merry made delicious tarts as part of our dessert (Chocolate Cherry cheesecake was also on the menu, thanks to Heather.)
We ate early at 2 pm in order to accomodate Rob who had to work later in the afternoon and it was nice to see everyone again. Same time next year Rodney and Heather?
Trains, "Plains" and Automobiles...
...Marsha's Amazing Northern Getaway Included All of Them
Marsha's mom Yvonne enjoys the view from her son Brian's cottage deck
Her usual holiday destination is Ireland, but this Fall, Marsha Scott stayed on Canadian soil for her vacation. Marsha's travelling companions were her sister Brenda and her very spry 93 year old mother Yvonne.
The game plan was to visit Marsha's brother Brian at his cottage near Kirkland Lake, then leave her mom there to visit with Brian, while Marsha and Brenda ventured further north to Moosonee.
After an overnight stopover in North Bay, it was off to Kirkland Lake, to visit brother Brian, his family and their serene cottage on Lake Kapaketa. From the photos Marsha sent us, it is obvious why Brian loves this place. His nearest neighbour is miles away and it is so peaceful and picture perfect there.
Moosonee and Moose Factory Island are Cree reserves as was evident by many of the signs, posted first in Cree, then English and third French.
One of the most astonishing things Marsha and Brenda would discover while visiting Moosonee and Moose Factory would be just how expensive every day household items cost. Because everything is shipped there by train, you pay dearly for these items, as you will discover below.
Old dog wanders the streets of Moose Factory
Life in Moose Factory is very laid back. One of the residents of the rural town was a stray dog. He was often seen on the streets and even sitting in the middle of the road, oblivious to the traffic around him. Of course when we say traffic, we're not talking rush hour in Toronto. There's not many cars in Moose Factory, which is evident by the dirt roads that travel through the community.
Marsha told us she often had to remind herself that she was indeed still in Ontario, as her surroundings were so unlike what she was used to. The girls had a great time seeing how people live, in such a remote location.
Before they knew it, it was time to take a train back, eventually returning to Marsha's brother's cottage in Kirkland Lake to pick up her mom and make their way back to the big city of St Catharines. Another amazing destination to check off her "bucket list". Where in the world will Marsha go next Autumn? We don't know yet, but you can bet we'll be the first to tell you all about it, as only scribbles can do.
I'm not sure if I'd ever go to Moose Factory, it's a bit too remote for my liking, but it sure was nice to visit it vicariously through your photos and stories, Marsha. Thanks for sharing with scribbles!
Holy High Prices Batman!
Kitty litter, Windex and microwave popcorn,
Think you know what they cost?
Think again, when you're in
Moosonee or Moose Factory.
As we mentioned above, when Marsha Scott and her sister Brenda were vacationing in Moosonee and Moose Factory, they soon discovered that things cost a lot more in these Northern communities than in Southern Ontario.
Let's take a look, shall we? Above we have Cedric the Entertainer, host of the game show "It's Worth What?" Below Cedric are three ordinary everyday items; Maxx Scoop Kitty Litter, a bottle of Windex and Orville Redenbacher's Microwave Popcorn. What's not so ordinary about them is how much these items cost.
How much do you think they cost in Moosonee and Moose Factory? Check out the price tags below...NO, I did not Photoshop these prices...these are the real thing!
in case you can't believe your eyes, click on pix to view larger version
WOW! These prices are insane! If I had a cat, he would shit outside, I'd use vinegar and water as window cleaner and I'd skip the pre-packaged microwavable popcorn and go for the old fashioned pop it yourself kind (which would probably still cost an arm and a leg).
Becoming One with Nature
click on pix to view larger version
During a recent weekend away, our shutterbug buddy Bob Miller captured some pretty amazing photos. In addition to being surrounded by the great outdoors, trout were swimming up river (spawning season) and Bob was in the thick on it all!
Bob, I think you've taken "being in your element" to a whole new level.
Brown and Speckled Lake Trout travel up river, right before Bob's eyes.
Click on pix to view larger version.
The Official Claudia Silva* Fan Club
Claudia Silva* is a female impersonator, pageant co-ordinator, entertainer and active charity fundraiser, operating out of the St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Thorold region, who has a popularity that spans two countries due to her extensive travelling within the International Court System.
This group is not a cult, it is a meeting place for all ...those who admire Claudia for all the hard work and dedication she brings to her charity work, the laughter she brings to her audiences and the joy she brings to her friends. We love you Claudia.
To join the group and read what Claudia's* fans are saying, CLICK HERE.
Two Types of Turkey's Missing at this year's Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanks to a flu bug, I was unable to join my sister Kim Papple and her husband Don for their annual Thanksgiving dinner. Fortunately for us, Bob Miller was there with camera in hand and captured these great pix.
Once again Kim and Don outdid themselves with very festive decor and a table set for royalty. They served ham, meaning including myself, there were two turkeys missing this year. LOL!
In addition to a great meal, everyone enjoyed a little violin recital courtesy of my niece Erin and a relaxing walk along the shore of Lake Ontario, where Bob snapped a great shot of the sun setting.
Sorry I missed out on a great day Kim and gang, What can I say?? "Shit happens"...LOL!
Erin plays sweet music on the violin during Thanksgiving gathering
photo courtesy Bob Miller
BEAUTY, eh? The sunsets behind Lake Ontario on Thanksgiving Sunday.
photo courtesy Bob Miller
BOB'S photos are also featured beside our scribbles logo today