One Year Later...
...We Will Always Remember "Mrs. Campbell"
I was taken back when visiting my mother Joan recently and she mentioned that we were quickly approaching the anniversary of Vivian Campbell's passing.
"Anniversary" seems like an odd word to be using when mentioning someone's departure. Anniversary is a word that we usually associate with joyous events like a married couple who have enjoyed another year together or the date one acknowledges an accomplishment, such as the date for which they quit smoking or drinking and other worthy causes.
Yet September 28, 2012
is the anniversary of Vivian's passing and while we're not celebrating the fact that she is no longer with us, we do take this time to remember when she was.
Vivian and her family lived next door to my family on Rebecca Street. My mother often recalls how Vivian was the first to welcome her to the neighbourhood, all those years ago. I became friends of the "Campbell kids" and over the years we shared many wild and crazy adventures.
In what seems now like the blink of an eye, the kids in those homes soon became adults and moved out on their own. Vivian and Joan became widows and their similar paths brought them even closer. "Mrs. Campbell" had become far more than the lady who lived next door, she was a very special friend.
After Vivian crossed over, her son and daughters (Kirby, Karin and Kelly) brought a large potted fern next door to Joan's house. It was from Vivian's garden and she had requested they give it to my mom. That fern means a lot to her.
Joan tells us "I cherish this fern and every time I look at it or water it I think of Vivian, and the many years I was blessed to have her as a dear friend. Now I have a part of her in my garden too. I think of her often and will always miss her friendship too. My thoughts and prayers are with Kirby, Kelly, and Karin with this the first year anniversary of their dear Mother’s death."
I couldn't have said it better myself.
To view our original tribute to Vivian from last year, visit our MEMORIAM PAGE HERE.