Your Summer Adventures
When we last met here, it was the month of May. Summer was just around the corner and everyone was gearing up for another season of vacations and hazy-lazy days of fun.
One the hottest (if not the hottest) Summers on record is now history and along with the anticipated highs, there were some unexpected lows.
Here's some of what kept us busy this Summer...
Four Weddings and Two Funerals
Wedding bells rang for Rob's twin brother Rodney Dennis and his bride Heather, early July. The couple's son Kade was the Ring bearer, Rob was the Best Man and I was the Flower Girl (GOTCHA! I actually was the videographer for the ceremony, which was held in Welland.) It was a beautiful wedding and although it was as hot as Hell that day, no one collapsed and no one stripped naked at the reception (although the groom did come close...LOL). What a memorable event.
Our Talk Wireless friend Dave Thompson and his sweetheart Kate also tied the knot on Labour Day weekend. Fellow Talk Wireless employee Phil also said "I do" to his bride as well.
Janet & Keith Miller's daughter Robin is now Mrs. Tim Whyte. The picture perfect couple wed in August.
Award Winners

My sister Jane Storie graduated this Spring from Brock University with an MA in Comparative
Literature and Arts. Meanwhile on the same day, my mother Joan Storie received a certificate in recognition of her volunteer work. Both ladies are very worthy of their awards and we were all aflutter on that double-event day.
His Job Really Bites
Used to be, I saw my old pal Doug MacNeil fairly regularly, but somehow our busy lives got in the way and we had not seen each other for many months. We made up for that a few weeks ago when I visited with Dougie at his trailer at N.E.T. Campground in Vineland.
With so many months since our last get together, we had no shortage of things to catch up on. Such as this one...Doug (a mail carrier for Canada Post) was bit on the leg by a large unrestrained dog. He showed me his "war wounds" and it looked pretty nasty. Scary stuff Doug! Rain nor hail nor wind nor snow may prevent our mail carriers from delivering, but no one said anything about big old nasty dogs! Hope you feel better soon buddy!
Wanna Be a Hopkins
Our Talk Wireless "sister" Pam had cause for celebration this Summer. Her divorce has finalized and she is now Pam Hopkins once again. Ms. Hopkins found many ways to celebrate her new status, including attending a Bon Jovi concert (with great seats, no less) and countless trips to her trailer up north with new main squeeze Craig Saltsberry. "Way to go Samantha, Uncle Arthur loves to see that smile on your face again".
Nifty at Fifty
As you may know, my 50th birthday is quickly approaching, a milestone I could just as easily do without and I'm already planning my all-black wardrobe to wear that day.
Fortunately, not everyone looks upon turning 50 with as much enthusiam as going to the dentist for a root canal. Our active Talk Wireless pal Diane Murray celebrated her 50th in August, with a brave smile and ultra-positive attitude. Talk Wireless "Inventory Queen" Connie Bering and her creative daughter Jenn spent several hours the night before Di's big day, wrapping every item on her desk. It looked like something you'd see under a Christmas tree and Diane was certainly surprised -to say the very least. After a round or two of singing "Happy Birthday" and some awesome pix taken by Pammie, Jenn helped Diane unwrap the numerous packages, returning her desk to normal.
Since I'm next on the chopping block, I'm a bit leary of what to expect at my work station that day. If you do plan on wrapping something for me girls, make sure he's cute and muscular. I'll gladly unwrap it all by myself -perhaps I'll even use my teeth. Oh what a naughty "Princess" I am.
Also celebrating the big 5-0 this Summer was my cousin Bob Farquharson of Ottawa ON. Family and friends gathered in droves at Bob's sister Jeanne Prince and her husband Peter's rural home in Renfrew, to celebrate with the ever-crazy birthday boy. Judging from all the photos Jeanne's daughter Megan Fox posted on her facebook site, it was once again "Party Central" at the Prince household. When it comes to celebrations, you go big or go home in the Ottawa Valley.
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Laura DeGraaf of Talk Wireless wanted a unique way to show her workmates her new apartment, so she came up with a plan. Host a "Ladies Night" party at her place and invite all the girls from work. This naturally included "honourary girl" yours truly. There were cocktails and munchies (each person bringing something yummy to contribute to the buffet) and we enjoyed some shop talk and other amusing tales. It was such a hit, we are planning on doing it regularly at different people's homes. What a great night Laura, thanks for your hospitality.
In keeping with the estrogen-only theme, my BFF Becky Lee and her sister Sue Edwards invited their gal pals to join them at their family cottage in Pappineau Lake, located near Bancroft ON. Because I'm so in touch with my feminine side, I was invited to this one too. In fact the only thing remotely representing the male population was Becky's French bulldog Preston and my delicate puppy pal Timmi...LMAO! In proving anything he can do, she can do better, the girls cooked outdoors, built bonfires and drove a boat with the greatest of ease. I was totally in my element and oh what a great time I had with "Grace", "Mary", Shanny, Jody and their friends.
One of the more amusing moments of the Civic Day long weekend was when "someone" went tubing behind the boat Becky was driving and lost her bathsuit bottom. One hand on the tube, the other keeping her bathing suit from drifted off to sea, Oh ya...GOOD TIMES indeed.
Even with all that rugged outdoorsy stuff to enjoy, thanks to their satelite dish, we did manage to group inside the cottage Sunday evening to catch the hotties [right] on the latest episode of Big Brother (which got me hooked on the show for the rest of the season.)
Thank you for inviting "Jack" into the girls club, he will always remember that weekend with great fondness.
Outdoor Living
So many of our readers have found their own pieces of Heaven in the form of their cottages or trailers on remote campgrounds. As noted above, Pam Hopkins, Doug MacNeil, Becky Lee and their families have all enjoyed many long Summer days around a campfire, enjoying a little rest and relaxation. Laura Degraff and her BF Ryan enjoyed the great outdoors on their Summer vacation as well.
Taking flight and leaving the comforts of home, Tom Balint travelled to Machu Picchu with his companion earlier this Summer. His facebook pix tell of a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Glad you had a good time Tom.

When they weren't celebrating family birthdays, my sister Kim Papple, her husband Don and their kids Erin & Patrick got away as often as they could to their cottage in Turkey Point. This year the Papple clan went to new heights, zip lining through a wooded area around Turkey Point. Looks like fun guys, but Uncle Ken prefers his feet firmly planted on the ground.
Not to be outdone, Jeanne & Peter Prince have not only got a cottage to retreat to, they've also got an island to call their own. Only minutes from their Renfrew home, the happy couple, family and friends spent lots of time on "Prince Island" accessible by boat only. Now that's what I call paradise!
"Apple" Season
The hype finally got to me last month. I ditched my home phone and bought an iphone. I'm not alone, our pals Pam Hopkins, Diane Murray and Jay Wanamaker have also recently jumped on the Apple bandwagon.
And oh what fun I've had with my iphone already. I love being able to download TV shows & videos, listen to music and search the net on the user-friendly device. But my favourite feature has to be the animated Talking Tom Cat app that I downloaded. Whatever you say, the cute little cartoon cat repeats, in a high-pitched voice. You can pet him, poke him and give him some milk to drink. Totally worth the 99 cent installation price. Best of all there's no litter box to clean, making him an ideal pet indeed. MEOW MEOW!
New Doors Open for Marsha, Marsha, Marsha
It has been a Helluva Summer for my longtime friend Marsha Scott. Sadly her cat Michael passed away a few months ago (see "Pets" page for more) and the job she held for many years ended when the company downsized.
Thankfully, good news came in recent weeks and now Marsha has a brand new job. Also around the bend, Marsha's annual jaunt to Ireland takes flight the end of September. This year's travelling companion is Shelly Stewart, who has never been to Ireland before. As is also tradition, Marsha will be away for my birthday and I will once again cat-sit her two furry friends Lucy & Emily. Marsha vows we will celebrate my 50th when she returns in October, but I'm not so sure I'm up for another reminder of that sad fact. Have a great time Marsha and Shelly, you both deserve a break.
Baby on Board -the Sequel

In a case of dejavue, Ginger Blythin is once again on maternity leave from her job at Talk Wireless. You may recall this was the case about 2 years ago, when Gingee and her husband Neil welcomed the arrival of baby William. Their next bundle of joy could arrive any day now and we couldn't be happier for the growing Blythin family.
Looking forward to sharing baby pix with our scribbles pals Ginger, all the best to you both!
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