I’ve read reviews that really trash the new series The
Conners and noticed a reoccurring theme. Many had already made up their mind
that they weren’t going to like the series because it didn’t feature Roseanne
Barr. Others made their opinions known after watching only a segment of the
debut. In both cases there’s little the show can do to win the favour of those who prematurely wrote it off.

One of the things I always enjoyed about the original
Roseanne series was the stellar cast. In the earlier episodes Barr’s acting was
at best, marginal. She would deliver her line then break the fourth wall by
chuckling and waiting for the studio audience to stop laughing. Roseanne was
used to doing stand-up comedy and it showed. Had they not surrounded her with
seasoned actors and talented kids, it’s unlikely the show would have become so
The Conners gives us more of what held the Roseanne series
together with none of the abrasiveness associated with Barr. The writing has
continued to be current and believable.
When they wrote out Barr’s character, they cleverly used a
storyline that had already developed on the reboot, while addressing an issue
that’s been in all the headlines. Although Barr scoffed at how they wrote her
out, she had approved her character’s opioid addiction plot line featured in
the Roseanne reboot.