May 26, 2023
Natural Beauty
May 25, 2023
May 24, 2023
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been a while since Scribbles offered up a multitude of new posts at the same
time. This year there’s been several Mr. Sock videos, some moving tribute posts
and series 4 of Battle of the Best, but we haven’t brought you several new
things at once for a while, so this is pretty exciting.
Our ‘what’s NEW with YOU’ section makes a feeble attempt at showing you what everyone has been up to. Of course it barely scratches the surface, but we DO still have plenty to share.
Scribbles Rainbow Connection Contest asks you to tell us your favourite colour, for a chance of winning a collection of awesome rainbow bling.
WOOF! Joe Friday is back with both new adventures as well as a collection of Classic Joe’s. With such a large archive of Joe material, Scribbles gratefully continues to feature Jim’s bulldog buddy for your amusement.
Mr. Sock has made appearances in several locations and has young fans watching him from the Ottawa Valley & Niagara to British Columbia and likely beyond. We have exclusive pix sent in by Scribbles pals Carrie, Gloria and Jackie. I love that you guys like Mr. Sock, I enjoy hangin’ out with him and sharing that silliness with you. Great News! We have a new video coming soon…so Mr. Sock could soon be returning to a big screen TV near you!
am finally getting a grip on being a bit hard on myself when it comes to new
Scribbles stuff. I had hoped to have much of what you will see today published
already. I get down on myself when my physical or mental pains prevent me from
creating Scribbles at the pace I want. When I CAN do stuff and the creative juices
are flowing, THAT’S when it is meant to be done. Not on some preconceived
deadline only I know about. It’s always more fun when I’m feeling
I have been able to put together some entertaining posts that I hope many of you in Scribbles land will enjoy.
scribbles REVIEW | DCT Production Offers Tons of Hope
Dunnville Community Theatre returned to the spotlight in mid May with David S. Craig’s ‘Having Hope at Home’. This time around, DCT’s live production took place at Knox Presbyterian Church, transformed into an old rundown farm house, thanks to cleverly arranged theatre props.
From the moment the show began to the instant it finished, the talented performers grabbed the audience’s attention, as they brought life to their colourful characters.
We had Carolyn (as portrayed by Dana Hauser) who lives in the farmhouse with her French Canadian partner Michel (Gordon Huffman) and her bumbling grandfather Russell (Lee Smith). Carolyn & Michel are expecting their first child and have invited Carolyn’s parents Bill (Darrell Baker) and Jane (Ellie Bloomfield) to join them for dinner. The catch is that Carolyn has decided upon a home birth using a midwife, Dawn (Hailey Gibb), a revelation that rubs her father the wrong way, seeing he is a doctor and the head of obstetrics at the local hospital.
The plot thickens as Carolyn goes into labour midway through dinner. What follows is a mixture of humour and high drama, with some valuable lessons learned by the time of the baby’s arrival.
Compliments of the production’s director Jean Furlong and DCT treasurer & promotions officer Claire Vanden Pol, I attended the show with my sister Kim on May 13th. My concerns that the production was being held in a church meant we may have rigid, uncomfortable seating that would wreak havoc with my chronic pain, were quickly alleviated when I discovered the pews were completely padded… Hallelujah!
During intermission, I spoke briefly with Claire, who shared with me that they had to do some last minute blocking changes, as the church’s stage was smaller than what the rehearsal area had been. This meant that some scenes in which a few characters are supposed to be in another room, out of earshot of the others, actually took place only a few feet away. When this occurred, the actors that weren’t a part of the scene simply stood silently, somewhat like statues, and we effortlessly bought into the fact that they weren’t supposed to be seeing or hearing what we were.
This is something I always find extremely
endearing about Dunnville Community Theatre. They turn minimal props into
larger than life sets. Combined with the group’s mad acting skills and you have
productions that move and entertain unlike any others. ‘Having Hope at Home’
was another shining example of that. Hallelujah indeed!
Bright Light
May 13, 2023
SIDE HUSTLE... Scribbles Sidebar Section Get a NEW LOOK!
We have updated our sidebar section, with changes designed to make it easier for you to use.
Our EVENTS section is now listed by date and our TV section is listed by day. Each feature red sub tabs for ease of use.
We have brought back YOUR BUSINESS section. It is divided into sub categories, such as food, pets, shops & services. We would love to feature your business or service....a FREE feature for SCRIBBLES PALS ONLY
We kick off our NEW LOOK sidebar with a NEW FEATURE... SCRIBBLES ARCHIVES. You can travel back over to the past 13-14 years with all our past posts. It can be a lot of fun to pick a year and see what we were doing..... and see how little some of our younger Scribbles friends were. It's a delightful rabbit hole that we hope you visit often.
...and one more thing...
And before we end this post.... We are lovin' your kind words about Mr. Sock. He has a lot of fans of all ages and it fills me with much joy to know you get a kick out of Mr. Sock's misadventures.
Because I've been working a lot on videos - most with Mr. Sock, it takes time away from creating Scribbles What's New With You & Joe Friday sections. We hope to get those features to you soon, but we cannot lock in specific dates at this time.
May 10, 2023
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | The Dandelion Song 2023
When our pal Doug emailed me suggesting I join him for a few days at his trailer at N.E.T. Camp Resort in Pelham, it took me about 2 seconds to send my reply. "Yes!" I exclaimed with much enthusiasm.
As you may recall, the campground is one of my favourite places to sit back and relax. And this time of year it is also the location of millions of dandelions - something I discovered in 2016 when filming our ambitious yet forgettable electro funk version of the Dandelion Song.
I decided this time around, Mr. Sock should get a chance to see for himself all the dandelions at N.E.T. so he joined us at the campground. To see his reaction and listen to our latest incarnation of The Dandelion Song, click on the video below...
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | Happy Birthday Francesca
May 9, 2023
To see your Fortune Cookie, go to the month you were born.
A loved one makes a decision you may not agree with, take time considering things from their perspective. June is going to be a wild month of activities. Lucky Numbers: 03, 12, 42, 64, 08, 68.
You’ll discover a peaceful change of scenery can happen a lot closer to home than you knew. An invitation to a unique event shouldn’t be ignored. Lucky Numbers: 02, 09, 67, 04, 14, 22.
An old schoolmate or former co-worker will be in touch with you. You’ll be eager to spend time outdoors but don’t forget your sunscreen. Lucky Numbers: 03, 08, 15, 23, 45, 61.
Travel plans will need to be changed, but all is not lost. The rescheduled travel dates will turn out to be better for you in surprising ways. You will misplace a frequently used item, only to discover you put it in your pocket. Lucky Numbers: 04, 10, 24, 27, 37, 62.
Your May birthday brings you lots of happiness. A visitor brings unexpected news. Don’t worry, it’s happy news. You will have fun at a swimming pool. Lucky Numbers: 07, 17, 21, 27, 45, 60.
Your green thumb will come in handy when a neighbour needs a helping hand. Share your talents with others and great joy will follow. Lucky Numbers: 09, 18, 25, 40. 11, 55.
While out for an early evening stroll, you will see a UFO and will then struggle with whether or not you should tell others what you saw. Lucky Numbers: 02, 10, 22, 37, 56, 68.
Road trips are your favourite summer activity this year, but beware of an offer that sounds too good to be true when it comes to an unusual campground. Lucky Numbers: 04, 11, 43, 26, 54, 66.
Your vacation will end up being a “staycation”. Never fear, you will discover something during your staycation that will make it worth while and would not have happened if your original vacation had of gone as initially planned. Lucky Numbers: 07, 36, 64, 43, 29, 19.
A new outdoor activity could become time consuming and cause friction with others. But monitoring the new activity will turn things around and give you the perfect balance. Lucky Numbers: 09, 55, 33, 41, 47.
You are so eager to see sunshine and bright blue skies that you start to give thought to moving to a tropical location. Hang tight. Warmer weather and sunny skies will soon be arriving in your own location very soon. Lucky Numbers: 14, 26, 12, 06, 71, 22.
Before you pour your love into someone else, fill yourself up first
COMICS | [13+]
We know the old saying is true....Laughter IS the best medicine.
May 1, 2023
As part of the tour my cousin Janet took Rob, myself and my cousin Megan for a joy ride on the family's ATV (All "Terror" Vehicle.) While I rode shotgun with my hands firmly gripping the grab bars, Rob and Megan sat in the back, facing opposite the direction the vehicle was traveling.
Janet hit a rock and the ATV took off in the air, as did everyone sitting in it, especially Megan, who was captured in mid-air by Rob and pulled back to her seat.
Below are the exclusive pix of the incident. Photo one taken a mere heartbeat prior to our lives flashing before our eyes, as evident in photo two.
Funny as Hell to share later, but requiring a change of underwear when it actually happened. LOL!
It's universal folks.....farts are funny, especially when they pop out when least expected.