Jun 25, 2011
photo courtesy: REUTERS/Blair Gable
William and Kate
are in Canada
Breath-taking full page of photos as featured on the NATIONAL POST website, of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrating in Canada.
photo courtesy: REUTERS/Blair Gable
What's All the Fuss About?
While her nephew Derek was recently celebrating his graduation into High School, little Alina Denis did what she seems to do best....look absolutely adorable!
With determination and some help from his daddy, Graham Storie-Clark has a blast in the park with his cool new kite. Up, up and away!
You read about our friends exciting adventures in scribbles all the time, but in reality there are hardships and problems they encounter quite often. Respectfully, scribbles would never print anything that would be hurtful, embarassing or invade our friends privacy.
We know some of you are dealing with challenges. With that in mind, we hope and pray that all goes well, as we drop a penny in our wishing well just for you. Make a wish with us and let's make them all come true.
click on pix above to view larger version
Enjoying a Much Overdue Visit
I first met Pat Fenerty way back in the days I worked at Vanwell Publishing. With her quirky sense of humour and "friendly ear", we hit it off immediately. As happens with many "past" co-workers, we haven't seen each other much over the years, but thanks to emails, have managed to keep in touch.
Recently, I sent an in-depth email to Pat, confiding in her some of the many thing going on in my life. Pat replied later that night that she was off to bed, but would send a thorough response to my message soon. The next day I messaged back, "Instead of an email, how about we get together for a REAL visit?" Pat was more than happy to oblige and a date was made.
Pat lives in Welland with her husband Joe and their 17 year old kitty Scaredy Cat [all seen in the pix above]. Both were home when I arrived at the couple's beautiful home, so I was fortunate enough to get to visit with them all. Scaredy Cat is deaf and usually a bit stand-offish with company, but not with me. Funny how kittys seem to sense a true blue "cat person" when they see one. Pat served up hors d'oeuvres and cake, as we spent the next few hours getting up to speed with what we had each been up to. This was followed by a "grand tour" of their home and it was obvious by the way everything was arranged so perfectly that Pat is a big fan of TV decorating programs.
Why it took so long for us to get together, I'm not quite sure. But I do know one thing, I just can't wait to do it again and on a more frequent basis. Thank you so much for your hospitality and friendship Pat. You and Joe make such a great couple and it was indeed a pleasure to spend a little time with you both.
Easy Cream Cheese Roll-Ups
• 1 large tortilla
• Cream cheese*
• 1 can black olives
• 1 jalapeno (or spicy pepper of your choice)
First, spread the tortilla on a flat surface. Take about half a container of cream cheese and spread it over the tortilla.
Second, open and drain the black olives. Take as many as you'd like (I use about 3-4 for one tortilla) and dice until very small, or pop in food processor until in tiny cubes. Sprinkle these evenly over the cream tortilla.
Third, cut or process a couple of jalapeno (or whatever pepper) slices the same was as the olives. However much you use can, of course, depend on you and your guests' tendency toward spiciness. Sprinkle these tiny bits over the cream cheese tortilla.
Finally, roll up the tortilla and cut into one inch pieces. If you'd like you can puncture each piece with a toothpick to keep them together and make consuming them easy for your guests.
If not serving right away, these can certainly be chilled!
*Recipe courtesy VegetariansRecipes.org –they used tofutti cream cheese in the original version of this recipe. By the way, these were NOT the cream cheese rolls Pat served, but when I was looking for a graphic of the rolls, stumbled across this recipe.
It Was Easy Not Being Green
The cashier responded, "That's our problem today. The former generation did not care enough to save our environment."
Back then, they returned their milk bottles, soft drink bottles and beer bottles to the shop. The shop sent them back to the factory to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. They were recycled.
But they didn't have the green thing back in that customer's day.
Back then, they washed the baby's diapers because they didn't have the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine - wind and solar power really did dry the clothes.
Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house - not a TV in every room. In the kitchen, they blended and stirred by hand because they didn't have electric machines to do everything for you. When they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, they used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. They didn't have air conditioning or electric stoves with self cleaning ovens. They didn't have battery operated toys, computers, or telephones.
Back then, they didn't fire up an engine and burn fuel just to cut the lawn.. They used a push mower that ran on human power. They used hand operated clippers to trim the shrubs. They exercised by working so they didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.
They drank from a glass filled from the tap when they were thirsty instead of using a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water.
Back then, people walked or took the bus and kids rode their bikes to school or rode the school bus instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances.
But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful the old folks were just because they didn't have the green thing back then?
Jun 23, 2011
Special Pride Section:
It's a Family Affair
I have no idea who this little girl is, but her image remains one of my all-time fave Pride pix. The photo was taken in 2008 at the Pride flag-raising event in St. Catharines. I just love her cool rainbow hat, co-ordinated perfectly with the little Pride flag she is holding. ADORABLE!!
I think what warms my heart the most about this photo is knowing that this little angel is obviously growing up in a non-judgemental environment, learning to accept everyone and appreciate their uniquenesses. Wouldn't it be great if all kids where brought up this way?
THIS JUST IN! one of our readers, Rhonda King, recognized the little sweetheart above. Her name is Olivia and that is one of her two mommies Alisha Booker holding her. Her other mommy is Stephanie Poirier. We won't bother telling you how Rhonda knew this was Alisha and Stephanie's daughter...heeheehee, But let's just say, we've got it on good authority that Rhonda's info is accurate : )
NEW VIDEO CLIP by scribbles:
Enjoy this brief clip of past Pride celebrations. This short clip is a good example of just how neurotic I can get when it comes to wanting it to look and feel "just right". Although the video is 1 minute and 22 seconds long, it actually took me 4 hours to put together. Fortunately for you, it takes only mere moments to enjoy!
photo courtesy Katana as featured on Pride in Niagara facebook group
scribbles congratulates:
Charles and Nikita,
this year's reining
Mr and Miss Niagara Pride Winners
My Pussycat's Got Pride
I don't recall exactly what year the photo above of my cat J.R. was taken, but judging by his youthful looks, it was a while ago. Looks like "little" J.R. had a lot of fun playing with my rainbow flag or maybe he was just giving his daddy a big "high-five" in honour of another great Pride celebration.
Showing it's True Colours
I found this funky photo while recently Googling for animal pix. I'm not quite sure what kind of duck this is, but it certainly does look like it's getting into the Pride spirit. Way to go little ducky!
Mayor Ford Snubs Pride Parade for Campground
Reaction from the gay community was swift and divided. While some respected his decision, most felt Ford snubbed the annual event, which draws over a million visitors from near and far and generates much-needed revenue to the largest city in Canada.
"He certainly didn't come across as "the people's mayor"when he declined appearing in the Pride parade", said one merchant in the gay village. "This decision will come back to haunt him in the future" he added.
Another man who asked to be referred to as "Patrick", told reporters "I'm glad he didn't go, I don't like him, didn't vote for him and I think he is clearly sending a message on what he truly thinks of Pride and the community at large".
This year's Toronto's Pride parade was Sun. July 3rd.
Lovesick Cowboys
We wrap up our special Pride section with a photo that brings back so many fond memories. Taken in 2007 while celebrating Toronto Pride at Terry and Terry Lyon-Schram's place, this was the first Pride Rob and I spent together. As you can tell by the gleam in our eyes and big beaming smiles, our relationship was still in its infancy, as we had begun dating only a few months prior.
We bought the cowboy hats from a street vendor and they were such a hit we even had complete strangers asking if they could take our picture as we strolled the streets together. As all good cowboys would do, we gladly obliged their requests.
Four years later, we still have the hats and more importantly..we still have that gleam too (although it gets tarnished from time to time...LOL).
Summer Solstice
by Scott Johnson
Niagara Fall, ON
When I discovered this photo on our friend Scott Johnson's facebook page, I knew it just HAD to be included on scribbles. Taken with his new iphone during Port Dalhousie's Summer Solstice celebration, this shot is indeed "picture perfect".
Is the Bubble About to Burst for Soap Operas?
Along came Oprah, The View, Ellen and a bevy of provocative talk shows and soon the ratings for the once might soap opera began to dwindle. And with the decline in viewers, came the demise of some perennial longtime favourites.
First it was The Guiding Light, a show older than TV itself, which first debuted on radio before moving to the boob tube. Last Fall As the World Turns, another pioneer drama got the axe. Earlier this year, ABC announced that All My Children and One Life to Live will leave the air later this year. When these series stop production, only a handful of soaps will remain. General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, The Bold and the Beautiful and The Young and the Restless, will soon be the last daytime dramas left.
Will these fab four also draw to an end in the near future? The Young and the Restless (cast photo seen here) still draws an average of 3.5 million loyal fans each day and has been the number one soap for 27 years. As impressive as that may sound, in its prime The Young and the Restless was seen daily by over 8.3 million viewers. That's a huge drop and one that has industry insiders wondering how much longer this genre can continue.
Demographically, daytime dramas largest market were women ages 18-49 and recent rating show that is the exact group who are saying goodbye to their once favourite shows. Today's younger women are busy, working mothers with less time to devote to the continuous storyline format of soap operas. In an effort to adapt to this growing trend, networks have made their programs available online, allowing fans to tune in on their own clock anytime they want. Writers for soaps have shortened storyline time frames and added big name stars to their casts.
Will this bring renewed interest to daytime dramas? Can the once might soap opera be brought back from the brink of death, like the absurd story lines they frequently resort to? As we once used to hear so many, many times a day...tune in tomorrow to find out.
Jun 22, 2011
Thank You for Your Condolensces
I'd like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who send me messages and e-cards after the recent passing of my "Invisible Cat" Alysha (pictured above many years ago on the left with a kitten version J.R. beside her.)
It is comforting to know I have so many great friends in my life who understand the sadness of loosing a pet and can appreciate that they aren't "just a cat" or "just a dog" but indeed are our dear furry friends (Even the "Big Dust Bunny with Eyes" variety) You are all so kind and I am fortunate to have you in my life.
Thanks again,
Gingerbread Man Shakes and Bakes
Mike Vedder of Welland, ON says he was hot as Hell, but he still had a blast wearing this Gingerbread Man costume during the city's annual Rose Parade on Sunday.
He could barely walk by the end of the parade but said on facebook it was worth it to see the little kids run up him in sheer delight. He also had fun shocking family and friends who didn't know it was him inside the cute costume. Every now and then he'd pop his Gingerbread head off and make the big reveal, much to the surprise of his pals. That's awesome Mike.
Cooling Off
Taken last Summer, this adorable photo reveals there's still no better way to beat the heat than playing with the sprinkler. Above Jack and Ethan McParland of Renfrew, ON are joined by the family dog, as the trio enjoy a refreshing splash. Sure looks like fun boys!
Having Fun with Daddy (and Mommy)
on Father's Day
My nephew Graham is looking cute as a button as he takes time for his mommy Jane Storie to snap this awesome pix. He was celebrating Father's Day with daddy, Ken Clark at his relative's place. A perfect day to show daddy how much he loves him. Great pix Jane!
Have you ever wanted to be a reporter for an event you attended? Do you have an opinion about something that just needs to be heard? Have you seen a movie or read a book that you wanted to write a review about? Perhaps you're into poetry, drawing or taking beautiful photos and wish you had some place to share them?
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Pump It Up
No, I did NOT Photoshop this photo, it's the real thing -a photo of Rob flexing his guns, in this pix taken a year or so before we met. You sexy thang!
Lovin' His Lightning
I just couldn't resist getting this cuddly Car character, Lightning McQueen, for my nephew, the other day. Graham graduates to grade one this Fall, so I suppose that is as good excuse as any to have got this for him. Of course, his reaction makes it all worth it, regardless of the reason.
Even Animals Know the Value of a Hug
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