Sep 29, 2022
A Brilliant Start to a New Season
Sep 22, 2022
MOVIE | Gorgo
Off Beat Cinema concludes its weekly posting on Scribbles with a great creature feature. Gorgo is the United Kingdom's answer to Japan's Godzilla craze with a King Kong theme mixed in for good measure.
A group of fisherman discover a prehistoric creature. Its captured and brought to land to be a carnival attraction, but wait....the creature had a parent and they're not amused at their offspring's fate. Find out what happens next in this corny but endearing tale from 1961.
Off Beat Cinema will return at the end of October with some scary treats to get you in the Halloween spirit. You can also view Off Beat Cinema's catalogue of movies on their You Tube page. CLICK HERE
Sep 18, 2022
MOVIE | Attack of the Giant Leeches
We're a bit late posting this weekend's edition of Off Beat Cinema, sorry about that. Here's another silly "scary" movie, 'Attack of the Giant Leaches'.
Sep 16, 2022
Sep 14, 2022
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO | Scribbles Goes To Elton John Farewell Concert

As hardcore Scribbles pals will recall, there was also a mix-up this spring when the radio station I had won the tickets from sent an email to all the winners sharing the sad news that the show was cancelled. I guess I could have just accepted that, but it didn't seem quite right to me. I knew Elton had cancelled his March shows because there were still pandemic limits as to how many people could attend a live show, but Ticketmaster was still selling tickets to the September show, plus a second show. When I inquired with the radio station, they replied right away stating that indeed they had made a mistake, the concert in September was still a go and we still had tickets to see it. WHEW!
Elton isn't known for dancing around the stage or having choreographed performers, but the huge video screens surrounding the elaborate stage (complete with a "floating piano") blended with Elton's charm and showmanship, made for an extremely entertaining extravaganza.
Here's a 10 minute video that highlights the big event, Enjoy! ...
Sep 10, 2022
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | My Awesome August
I was away from home quite a bit in August, spending time at campgrounds, RV's and even a cottage on a private island.
I took lots of photos and video clips of my adventures and now I'd like to share them with all of you.
Take a look at this new Scribbles Video where I reveal all about My Awesome August.
Sep 3, 2022
MOVIE | Invasion of the Star Creatures
Our Off Beat beatnik buddies are back and ready to watch Invasion of the Star Creatures. Grab a snack, then sit back and enjoy the show, complete with a drive in theatre ad.