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Jul 30, 2017
Jul 25, 2017
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | Bylynnda & Phil's Wedding
It was a lovely spring day in April, when our friends Bylynnda and Phil tied the knot....wait? Did we just say April? But isn't this July? Why are we just reading about this now?
I had planned on putting together a video about Bylynnda and Phil's wedding, but never quite got around to it. The more new stuff I came up with to feature on Scribbles, the further down the list the wedding video project went.
With the couple about to celebrate 3 months of marital bliss, I figured I better get the video done before it ends up being their first anniversary. LOL.
Last week when I was laying on the floor in pain, I told myself, "Self, if you ever have a day you feel a bit better, create that damn wedding video."
That day was today.
Sorry it took forever for me to make this for you Bylynnda and Phil. Better late than never.
Love Ken
I had planned on putting together a video about Bylynnda and Phil's wedding, but never quite got around to it. The more new stuff I came up with to feature on Scribbles, the further down the list the wedding video project went.
With the couple about to celebrate 3 months of marital bliss, I figured I better get the video done before it ends up being their first anniversary. LOL.

That day was today.
Sorry it took forever for me to make this for you Bylynnda and Phil. Better late than never.
Love Ken
Jul 21, 2017
YOU | In Full Bloom..on her Birthday
July 21st was Jane's birthday...she got together with family at her mom's place on Sunday. Since it's more fun with a helper, I helped mom prepare for the party on Saturday and Sunday. We'll feature more about this later on.
When Scribbles started in Sept. 1979 (as Sunny Digest and others) Jane - our premiere reader (as in first and sometimes only) - was 9 years old. Scribbles is celebrating its 38th anniversary this year. So we'll let you do the math as to how old Jane is now. LOL. Sorry Jane...still teasing my little sister after all these years....gosh, some things never change.
Jul 18, 2017
ENTERTAINMENT | Queen & Adam Lambert In Toronto
This person recorded the entire Queen w. Adam Lambert concert. Unfortunately, they didn't have the greatest of seats so you don't see as much as other clips you can find on You Tube...but the audio is okay and the fact it's every moment of an entire concert definitely counts for something.
Jul 17, 2017
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Whenever I've visited our friends Jeanne and Peter Prince in Renfrew, I have always enjoyed some quality time with their cat Eddie.
In 2013, when I spent several days at the couple’s home, Eddie and I really became buddies. He let me brush him, he shared the guest room with me and showed me around the yard whenever I was back there to enjoy a cup of coffee or breath of country air.

Eddie passed away on July 13th at the age of 21. As his BFF and Jeanne's daughter, Megan Fox pointed out, that’s the equivalent of 100 in human years!
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“I had the pleasure of growing up with cats my whole life and Eddie really was the very best cat”, Megan added.
Although it was extremely sad to say goodbye and he will be missed very much, Megan says she is thankful he is now at peace.
My sincerest sympathy on Eddie’s passing, Megan, Jeanne, Peter and all those who loved him. He was indeed a very unique and memorable cat and I am glad I had a chance to become his friend.
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Jul 10, 2017
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | Graham Loves Making 'Nighttime Digest'
As you may recall reading before, my nephew Graham Clark really loves that I create Scribbles. Although he likes our current website, it's Scribbles old magazines that he truly loves.
Graham began creating a magazine of his own called Nighttime Digest about 4 months ago and is already up to 50 editions! Nighttime Digest features stories of what Graham has been up to... like outings with his mom and dad, my family or his fellow students at school. When they went to Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls, Graham wrote several pages all about that big adventure in Nighttime Digest.
He also features old ads and features from Sunny Digest (one of the names we went by, before becoming Scribbles) and it is truly flattering to see his version of stuff I created when I was in my mid to late teens.
We'll be featuring more about Graham and his magazines soon. In the meantime, here's a brief clip that gives you a little sample of what Nighttime Digest is all about.
Jul 9, 2017
NEWS | Pair of Coyotes Kill a Cat...IN OUR BACKYARD!
Two coyotes had cornered a stray cat and were attacking it. Deanna made noise which got the attention of next door neighbour Chris, who came outside to try and help the poor kitty. It was no use. Upon seeing Chris, the coyotes bolted down the driveway and down the street. The Humane Society was called, but the cat died.
CHCH TV was also contacted and they sent a reporter down to interview those who saw the vicious attack.
Here is a video that combines coverage that I originally posted live to Facebook with the CHCH Evening News report about the incident.
What would you do if you were walking your dog and encountered a coyote?
Jul 8, 2017
He stood on a line in a chicken factory and spent his days pulling the feathers off dead chickens so the rest of us wouldn't have to.
It wasn't much of a job. But at the time, Jesse didn't think he was much of a person.
His father was a brute of a man. His dad was actually thought to be mentally ill and treated Jesse rough all of his life.
Jesse's older brother wasn't much better. He was always picking on Jesse and beating him up.
Yes, Jesse grew up in a very rough home in West Virginia. Life was anything but easy.
And he thought life didn't hold much hope for him. That's why he was standing in this chicken line, doing a job that darn few people wanted.
In addition to all the rough treatment at home, it seems that Jesse was always sick. Sometimes it was real physical illness, but way too often it was all in his head.
He was a small child, skinny and meek.That sure didn't help the situation any.
When he started to school, he was the object of every Bully on the playground. He was a hypochondriac of the first order. For Jesse, tomorrow was not always something he looked forward to.
But, he had dreams. He wanted to be a ventriloquist.
He found books on ventriloquism. He practiced with sock puppets and saved his hard earned dollars until he could get a real ventriloquist dummy.
When he got old enough, he joined the military.
And even though many of his hypochondriac symptoms persisted, the military did recognize his talents and put him in the entertainment corp. That was when his world changed. He gained confidence.
He found that he had a talent for making people laugh, and laugh so hard they often had tears in their eyes. Yes, little Jesse had found himself.
You know, folks, the history books are full of people who overcame a handicap to go on and make a success of themselves, but Jesse is one of the few I know of who didn't overcome it. Instead he used his paranoia.
To make a million dollars, and become one of the best-loved characters of all time in doing it!
Yes, that little paranoid hypochondriac, who transferred his nervousness into a successful career, still holds the record for the most Emmy's given in a single category.
The wonderful, gifted, talented, and nervous comedian who brought us Barney Fife was
Jul 7, 2017
Jul 5, 2017
ME & YOU | Visiting Happy Rolph's Brings Back a Frightening Memory
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Going back well over a decade ago, I once worked at a publishing company, located right across the street from Happy Rolph's. When the weather was nice, I would often walk through Happy Rolph's during my lunch break. It was a great way to escape the monotony of the office and chill for a half hour before returning to work.
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All of a sudden a group of 5-6 very large white geese came towards me. Their chests were puffed out and they stretched their necks as they honked louder and louder, the closer they got. Fearing they were going to attack, I threw my barely eaten sandwich to the ground and ran. The geese devoured my lunch and in my frantic effort to escape, I had hung up the phone.
When I called my friend back, she said she had told her boss "I think Kenny has just been killed by birds". She laughed when I explained what had actually happened, I however reserved chuckling about it until I was safely back at work.
Here's a brief look at our visit on July 3rd (when all the birds were on their best behaviour)...
We’re back with our second installment of Scribbles INSIDER. Here’s a look at what some of our Scribbles pals have been up to lately and just for fun, one story featured below is fake. Can you figure out which one it is?
As we reported in Scribbles, earlier this year, our pal Jody Edwards spent several months in Florida as a volunteer at Clearwater Marine Aquariums, a rescue, recovery and release facility for marine life. One of the things Jody really loved was being near the ocean and although it’s not quite the same, she’s found another relaxing setting to enjoy. Jody will be spending part of this summer at her dad’s seldom-used cottage on the shores of Lake Erie in Port Colborne. Although there won’t be any dolphins or pelicans to rescue, we’re certain Jody will love the location almost as much as Florida….emphasis on “almost” LOL!
Steve Sauder loves his life in Toronto, but it’s the small town of Kincardine that he originally called home. Steve was thrilled to discover that the tiny town recently played host to its first ever Pride parade. “Who says small communities are insular and conservative and closed-minded?” said Steve.“Kincardine Pride (it feels odd even saying those words together) was a success on a level that even the organizers hadn't predicted. Thousands of people came out to support inclusion and welcome the LGBTQ community. Things have certainly changed for the better in the little town that today I'm proud to say I grew up in.”
Half a cup of olive oil, third of a cup of cider vinegar and one teaspoon of minced garlic…those were the only ingredients that made it into the jar that St. Catharines friend Joan Wiley was making homemade salad dressing in before the jar tipped. It splashed onto the floor and cabinets and soaked Joan’s jeans, sandals and feet. “The house smelled like a salad bar” said Joan. “It seems like I’m getting clumsier, if that’s possible” she added. Good thing Joan recently retired, it gives her more time to clean things up.
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Congratulations to Judy and Dale Teigrob on the arrival of their second little girl, Claire Elsye, who tipped the scales at 7 lb, 11 oz when she arrived on June 17th (13 days after her mommy’s birthday…a great gift indeed!)
There’s been a lot to celebrate at Winnipeg couple Virginia and Michelle’s place. Daughter Rebakah will be representing Manitoba in triple jump in the next Canada Games. And as if that wasn’t enough reason to “jump” for joy (LOL), Ginny & Mickey’s new home is getting closer to being ready to move in to. We’re thrilled to hear of all this good news.
Heather and Rodney Dennis have come up with a unique way to sell their 3 bedroom home in Welland. The couple put an ad in several local newspapers, that features a photo of them standing in front of their house. Above the photo is the caption: “Buy Our House and We’ll Babysit for You for an Entire Year”. That should certainly help put a “Sold” sign out front very soon.
And speaking of moving…we told you last month that Terry & Terry Lyons-Schram were leaving Toronto and heading to London (Ontario). We’re happy to report the boys are now settled in to their new home and apparently love having so much more space to decorate and call home.
Oh, Ang-ela! ….Nova Scotia Scribbles fan Angela O’Neill-Whiteley impressed more than just her family and friends when she hand-painted red and white Canadian flags on 150 beach rocks in celebration of our country’s big 150th birthday. Since completing the patriotic painting, Angie has been featured on local TV and print news sources. Way to go Ang!
There’s been a lot to celebrate at Winnipeg couple Virginia and Michelle’s place. Daughter Rebakah will be representing Manitoba in triple jump in the next Canada Games. And as if that wasn’t enough reason to “jump” for joy (LOL), Ginny & Mickey’s new home is getting closer to being ready to move in to. We’re thrilled to hear of all this good news.
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Oh, Ang-ela! ….Nova Scotia Scribbles fan Angela O’Neill-Whiteley impressed more than just her family and friends when she hand-painted red and white Canadian flags on 150 beach rocks in celebration of our country’s big 150th birthday. Since completing the patriotic painting, Angie has been featured on local TV and print news sources. Way to go Ang!
INTERVIEW | Scribbles pal Carolynn's Soulful Review of Tim & Faith's Concert
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In an exclusive interview, Carolynn told Scribbles they had floor seats, row 27.
“Our friend Ryan is the master of buying amazing tickets” she said.
When asked what songs performed by Tim and Faith were her favourites, Caroylnn had some difficulty narrowing it down to a select few.
“Faith’s Wild One, Breathe, This Kiss, and The Way You Love Me were all fabulous” Carolynn reports.
“Tim's Humble and Kind, Live Like you Were Dying, I Like It, I Love It, Something Like That and Real Good Man [were] also among my faves”, she added.
Large screen monitors and an array of lighting effects accompanied each song but the most memorable moment was when Tim and Faith sang Mississippi Girl and Something Like That.
Large screen monitors and an array of lighting effects accompanied each song but the most memorable moment was when Tim and Faith sang Mississippi Girl and Something Like That.
“[They] were walking about in the audience…so good!”, exclaimed Carolynn.
Faith took creative liberties with the lyrics, when singing Wild One, where she replaced the subject’s name from Bill to her beloved’s name, Tim.
“Tim did a big shout out to Canada during Humble and Kind”, said Carolynn.
He told the crowd the first place in the world Humble and Kind hit number one was Canada. With lyrics like “Hold the door, say please, say thank you”, it comes as no surprise that Canadians (renown for their politeness) would be quick to embrace it.
Thanks for sharing your story of the concert with Scribbles, Carolynn.
Faith took creative liberties with the lyrics, when singing Wild One, where she replaced the subject’s name from Bill to her beloved’s name, Tim.
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He told the crowd the first place in the world Humble and Kind hit number one was Canada. With lyrics like “Hold the door, say please, say thank you”, it comes as no surprise that Canadians (renown for their politeness) would be quick to embrace it.
Thanks for sharing your story of the concert with Scribbles, Carolynn.
YOU | Touching Lives
Justin Preston from 'Rise Against Bullying' walked in this year's Toronto Pride parade with the group from 'Kids Help Phone'. Here is a comment he posted on Facebook about social media and his Pride experience.
"There's a lot of negativity about social media and the use of it. I wanted to share a little story on why social media can be so important to people like you or myself. Instead of posting anything negative in my life, I always turn it around into something positive hoping that maybe one person will smile with my postings, videos etc.
I had a blast during the Pride Toronto parade with Kids Help Phone and before I met up with the team, I decided to walk to Church street, as being from a small town, I have no idea how I found my way there and back to the Kids Help Phone's headquarters.
As I was walking down this street, every few steps, I was meeting and seeing you beautiful people who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
"There's a lot of negativity about social media and the use of it. I wanted to share a little story on why social media can be so important to people like you or myself. Instead of posting anything negative in my life, I always turn it around into something positive hoping that maybe one person will smile with my postings, videos etc.
I had a blast during the Pride Toronto parade with Kids Help Phone and before I met up with the team, I decided to walk to Church street, as being from a small town, I have no idea how I found my way there and back to the Kids Help Phone's headquarters.
As I was walking down this street, every few steps, I was meeting and seeing you beautiful people who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Listening and hearing the stories of how I have impacted some of you was truly inspiring and a great reminder on why using social media for a positive reason can touch the lives of so many without even knowing.
During the parade, I was seeing so many faces I knew and faces I didn't but seeing the excitement of others who knew me truly opened my eyes a little more. I cherish all of you, and appreciate all of you.
With hugging, waving, giving as many people high-fives while carrying my 50 pound purse, I was in a moment of pride and why celebrating pride was so important as seeing so many people coming together to either support or watch such a positive parade.
While I was taking selfies, I realized my graduation ring was [not on] my finger. [Engraved with Lady Gaga's logo] I had lost this ring once before and posted a video on You Tube sharing my story. Somebody [from New York who had visited a beach near my home, found the ring] and returned it on March 28, 2012, Lady Gaga's birthday.
The thought of ever losing this ring again was something I could never imagine happening again. 200 of you decided [my post about losing the ring] was worth sharing. Somebody saw this post and messaged me.
This ring is coming back to me and it gives me so much faith knowing there's good people in this world.
During the parade, I was seeing so many faces I knew and faces I didn't but seeing the excitement of others who knew me truly opened my eyes a little more. I cherish all of you, and appreciate all of you.
With hugging, waving, giving as many people high-fives while carrying my 50 pound purse, I was in a moment of pride and why celebrating pride was so important as seeing so many people coming together to either support or watch such a positive parade.
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The thought of ever losing this ring again was something I could never imagine happening again. 200 of you decided [my post about losing the ring] was worth sharing. Somebody saw this post and messaged me.
This ring is coming back to me and it gives me so much faith knowing there's good people in this world.
Social media can make a huge difference in somebody's life.
So please use it for the good because you just never know how much you could seriously help somebody."
So please use it for the good because you just never know how much you could seriously help somebody."
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