Yvonne was married to Tammie’s dad Richard. “She was with my dad for 35 years, married for 22 years”, says Tammie.
Yvonne & Richard operated a local cleaning company since the mid 80’s. When she wasn’t helping get things squeaky clean at work, Yvonne liked to spend time visiting with family and friends, playing euchre and striking up fun at the bowling alley.
Yvonne’s grandson Aeitch [who is certainly no stranger to Scribbles] created a tribute book all about his “Nene”. The book is filled with drawings and endearing words. “She gave me paper every time I came [to visit]”, 8 year old Aietch wrote in his special book. “She loved my planet pictures & cards and I always loved her”.
In January, 66 year old Yvonne appeared in Scribbles in a post about her adorable rescue dog Hope. “I rescued her, but she also rescued me”, Yvonne said of the lovable 1 ½ year old Japanese Chin Pin/Terrier therapy dog. Yvonne had cancer and her little canine companion was of great comfort to her. “She was my first bit of hope [coping] with this nasty disease,” Yvonne shared.
As many of you know, this isn’t the first time Tammie and her family have dealt with a loved one passing away due to cancer. Her mother & brother also succumbed to the disease. “Having to grieve during [this] pandemic is very strange”, says Tammie.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Tammie, Richard, Aeitch and all of Yvonne’s family and friends.
“From heaven to earth, I will always love her”, wrote Aietch, “I remember her in my heart”.
We will too Aietch, we most definitely will.

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