photos courtesy Suzn Collman

Unfortunately a flu bug bit me the day before and I was not able to join Shanny and the gang.

click on pix for larger view
A Special Message from Murphy the cat to his vacationing owner Sandra:
"See Mommy, I'm doing fine and meeting lots of nice people."

Restaurant I work at and I got his autograph
This one's fact! It happened a long time ago, I worked midnights as HoJo's Restaurant as Asst. Manager. One night I took a call from singer Burton Cummings, who was staying at a neighbouring hotel and in need of food. When he arrived, we talked briefly and I asked him for his autograph, which he did.
It wasn't every day I served spicy hot chicken wings to a celebrity.

Scars on Ice
Laura DeGraaf and her BF Ryan strike the pose during a recent visit to a skating rink. Good thing theyve got each other to lean on in case they start to fall

Spring has Sprung??

Guess no one told Mother Nature it was Spring, as we were hit with yet another snowstorm. In these pix courtesy of our pal Dave Webber we see Port Colborne wasn't spared any of the white stuff.
"Table for one with a view,
no reservations required"

The view of my balcony on a cold and snowy white Spring day.

It's Easy to be Green

click pix for larger view
Young and old took part in the wearing of the green on St. Patrick's Day and our readers were no exception.
Getting in on the scene in the photos above [clockwise from top right:]
It's Kiera Blythin's first St. Patrick's Day as she sits with her big brother William at their family's home in Niagara Falls.
Talk Wireless pal Pam Hopkins and I looked a bit like twins with our very similiar green shirt/black pants combo. Fortunately, Pam fills out her top much better than I do, which is why I am slightly hidden behind her. The first shot we took of us together I looked about 8 months pregnant. I certainly put on some pounds this Winter.
My sister Jane joined her pals for a night out and she was certainly dressed for the part. Love the hat sis and your hair is lovely.
Angela O'Neil of Nova Scotia is a great face-painter, as you will discover soon in scribbles. Here;s a sample of a child;s cheek she did for St Patrick's Day.
Angela's kids are all ready for St Patrick's Day adventures. great job Angela.
Our Talk Wireless friend Laura Degraaf may be Dutch but she was a little bit Irish on St.Patty's Day.
"Cheers"!! Looking stunning -as ever- our Convergent Telecom friend Becky Lee raises her glass of green magic on St Patrick's Day.