Feb 6, 2025
You Are My Sunshine...
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | Dogs vs. Cats Contest Results
Plus Mr. Sock really gets into the theme of dogs and cats as he reveals which pet received the most votes. Did our Scribbles friends say they liked dogs more or will it be cats?
Feb 4, 2025
Mr. Sock experiences the high winds in this cute Scribbles Quick Clip.
Jan 31, 2025
Dog Gone Funny Comics |
Jan 30, 2025
HEALTH | 9 Ways To Increase Your Happiness
Through all my studies of Feng Shui, human nature and change, I’ve discovered that when you find happiness, you will attract everything you want to you. You will discover your passion, find or create a career you love that will make you all the money you desire, and find true love. So how do you “get happy?”
True happiness comes from within, not from external factors. Our career, the home we live in, the activities we’re doing at any given moment, and even how others think of us are all external factors. We may be able to change them, but it often takes work, intention and an action plan.
Here are 9 ways to begin increasing your happiness from within right now.
1. Focus on strong friendships and relationships. – Consider the times when you were happiest. If you don’t have a career or hobby you are truly passionate about, where you can completely lose yourself in the moment and feel fulfillment, I’m willing to bet all of your happiest times are spent with others. When we focus our intentions on giving and caring for others, we’ll feel better immediately.
That happiness is true happiness, not created by artificial things or situations. It comes from within. Nurture your relationships with close friends, family, and your partner — people who make you feel good about yourself — and focus your intention on making them feel good. You’ll be amazed by the positive change this creates in your life.
2. Find your passion and pursue it for a living. – We spend 40 hours per week (or much more than that!) in our jobs or careers. If you don’t love what you’re doing, it’s hard to be happy. Take time each day to pursue your true passion, even if you’re not sure (right now) how you can make money at it. If you don’t know what your passion is, take time to find it through meditation, soul-searching, and trying different activities.
Until your true passion begins earning you a full-time income, make up your mind to love your job and pursue it with the same enthusiasm as you would pursue your passion. If this is such a stretch you can’t even visualize it, it’s time to polish off the resume and find a new job, even if it’s just for now.
3. Cast off labels. – We’re all many things in life: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons…. We might identify with our ethnicity, or our career, or the place we live. Some people put labels on themselves that begin in high school or earlier, and some we adopt later in life. Words like geek, nerd, hipster, yuppie, leader, “artist,” “the fat girl,” “the jock” are all labels we put on ourselves. Sometimes they serve us, but they always create a mold that we might feel forced to put ourselves in. When we adhere to labels, positive or negative, we are not embracing our true self, which is not any specific label, but just is. Make the decision today that you will not be defined — by yourself or others — with any specific words that put limits on yourself.
4. Embrace forgiveness. – One label people use often that doesn’t serve them is “victim.” When you are holding a grudge or holding on to past resentments, you cannot be your best self. To hold a grudge or hold on to past disappointments is living in the past, not the present.
Instead, practice forgiveness. Write a list of as many disappointments or hurts you can think of. Then release them completely. If it helps, burn the paper, or tear it into tiny pieces and toss it away. You can also practice affirmations and simply say out loud, “I forgive…” and mention anyone or anything that may have hurt you.
5. Enjoy life. Have you ever seen people suffering from a terminal illness or living in poverty yet they are incredibly positive, happy and (ironically) full of life? They have discovered the secret to happiness: Realize that your happiness doesn’t rely so much on your circumstances as on your attitude.
Too often, we hold back from making time for fun activities because we feel we have too many obligations or restrictions. We are waiting until we get the perfect job, the perfect home, the perfect partner… and one day we wake up and find we’ve put our whole life on hold.
Instead, take time to do the things you love and, as you’re doing them, forget about everything else, treasure the now and enjoy yourself. Taking time to do this frequently is one of the keys to living with happiness.
6. Take care of your health. – It’s much more difficult to be happy and live your best life if you are feeling run-down or sick. Today’s busy lifestyles, with all the pressures we place on ourselves, often tax our immune systems, leading us to get sick more often or, even when we are not ill, feeling less than our best. Get a good night’s sleep (8 hours is optimal for many people, although some people need more and some can do with a little less), put healthy foods into your body, and exercise at least 20 minutes a day most days of the week. This doesn’t have to be a formal exercise program; walk to work, take the stairs in your building, or throw a ball outside with your kids.
7. Take care of your mental health, too. – Sometimes, there’s nothing particularly wrong, but we need a break. The end result of not listening to these mental cries for a rest is often physical illness. If you won’t give your mind and body the rest it needs, it’s going to take it one way or another.
Schedule “me” time before it comes to that. Take at least 15 to 20 minutes to yourself everyday, soaking in a tub, meditating, reading something purely for pleasure. Whatever activity you enjoy and is just for you. Take a longer “date” once a week doing something you enjoy, too, whether it’s a low-stress girls’ night out, taking an adult ed. class, going to zumba lessons, watching a movie you love… you get the idea. There’s no reason to feel guilty about enjoying your life and thinking about yourself first.
8. Find what inspires you, supports you and gives you strength. Feng Shui is about intention and intuition. It is only in the quiet space of our minds that we can follow our intuition and stay focused on our intentions. It’s important to listen to your intuition to discover what it is that truly inspires you, to find out where you draw your inner strength. For some, this spiritual component comes in the form of organized religion. For others, it could be a sense of spirituality.
Inspiration comes from the words “in” and “spirit.” If you find inspiration lacking in your life, it could be time to consider spiritual activities such as yoga, tai chi or meditation. These activities will help you stay focused on the “now,” find your source of inspiration and strength, and stay in touch with your true self. Click here to find out more about the ways you can benefit from meditation.
9. Embrace your true self. If you take the action steps outlined in this article, I guarantee you’ll feel happier, more often. It’s only when we forget our true life purpose that we begin to slip into the “pursuit” of happiness rather than embracing the feeling of happiness.
When we choose to embrace happiness, we are in touch with our true self. It’s time to start liking yourself now — every single trait. Focus on all you have, the things and people that you love and all you can offer to others, and you’ll find it’s impossible not to be happier.
About Ken – One of America’s premier Feng Shui consultants, Ken Lauher helps thousands of people achieve their goals through Feng Shui. He can help you become a money magnet, attract passionate love, jump-start your career and get unstuck. Visit www.kenlauher.com to get your FREE Feng Shui guide and discover the ancient secrets that can help you unlock your true potential.
Jan 26, 2025
Encore SCRIBBLES VIDEO | Where's the Sun
Mr. Sock has some serious January blues in this brief clip from last year at this time. Check it out...
Jan 25, 2025
80's Soaps Are Back
Falcon Crest debuted in 1981 on CBS and ran for 9 seasons. It aired on Friday nights right after Dallas - although it was in no way affiliated with the Ewings. Following the success of cliffhanger episodes on Dallas, Falcon Crest often featured extreme cliffhangers of its own, both on a weekly basis and well as over-the-top seasonal spectaculars (so sensational they were often unintentional laughable.)
I was a devoted fan of Dallas, Knots Landing and Falcon Crest (and a somewhat wavering follower of Dynasty.) I am currently rewatching Knots from the very beginning and after only a few episodes in, I’m already feeling hooked again.
These crazy series are a great distraction from today’s real life soap opera (the one featuring the unbelievable storyline of a convicted villain becoming president… like THAT could ever really happen!)
You can download Plex on your smartphone as an app or on Roku and other smart TV’s.
[Oh and in case you were wondering, no…Dallas is not available for free streaming at this time.]
Jan 24, 2025
Contest is Now Closed - Winners Announced Soon
Jan 23, 2025
Let's have some fun. Think back to something you experienced that was funny or very touching...I'll start...I remember a million years ago when I was a kid and was a Cub. Our troops spent a week at the campground.
I remember every morning we would have to get ourselves dressed in our uniforms and straighten up our tent (roll up sleeping bags, etc) then we would line up in front of our tents.
One of the leader guys would come by and inspect our tent, and make sure we were dressed properly in our uniforms.
Every day he would ask each of us is "Did you have a bowel movement?" I remember the first day he did this, one kid he asked seemed confused. Three times the leader asked "Did you have a bowel movement?" and each time the kid just looked at him blankly.
Finally the frustrated leader blurted out "Did you have a shit?" Probably not appropriate, but it got our attention and the kid who he was asking definitely then understood the question and answered "yes".... LOL!
Random silly things.... I will post more in the days to come, now it's your turn... share some funny or touching things with us.
My Girl!
Jan 20, 2025
Monday is a dark day for America, Canada & many places around the world. Mon. Jan. 20, 2025 a convicted felon becomes president...again! It seems pretty messed up that he can’t enter Canada, but he can rule the US and terrorize & taunt its allies. It's very strange and very scary.
With negativity, hatred and misinformation all around us, this is the time for Scribbles.co to do what it does best… provide you a happy escape from it all. If they’re going to go low (as sadly they will) I will go high. High as in more fun stuff for your entertainment.
I am amping up the happy on Scribbles, and I’m going to do it with stuff you love most. More dogs. More cats. More Joe Friday & friends. More amusing comics. More cool contests.
Providing you with a happy place to take your mind off the cruel world isn’t always easy, but I am up for the challenge. Now more than ever!
Enjoy todays new
Scribbles offerings.
SCRIBBLES VIDEO | Audio Version of Our Amped Up Happy Pets Edition
NOTE: This video features me reading the new posts found on Scribbles special pets edition. It was created for our blind friends who cannot navigate our website and includes extra descriptions where necessary.
You are welcome to listen to this video too, if you wish, but you can skip it and just check out our posts as they appear on Scribbles.co
Jan 17, 2025
new feature...
Happy Scribbles Contest Winners
new feature...
Things You Can Do To Reduce Stress & Feel Calmer
LIMIT EXPOSURE. Watching TV or internet news or reading news stories in your every waking hour can be very unhealthy. All that negative news flashing before your eyes, over and over, it can make you anxious and/or depressed. Try watching or reading less news. Fill that time with something you enjoy.
I no longer watch TV newscasts. I get info from CBC News app or other reputable sources, where I control when I will check it out and for how long. We are happier not seeing all those bad news stories.Something else to ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND... For every story about someone evil doing hurtful things to others, there’s countless people doing nice things for others The person who pays for the next person at the drive-thru coffee shop, rescues a kitty, volunteers their time to help others. Those people are all around us. We don’t hear about them on the news because for the most part these people are not doing kind things to get acknowledged, they don’t do it for “likes” or “views”, they do it simply because it feels good to do nice things for others.
If you go on social media sites, you know the comments section can be brutal. You could chose just to read the posts and IGNORE THE COMMENTS SECTION (which is the best option). But if you do read the comments section be prepared to read stuff that is very offensive or cruel.
I have started BLOCKING people who leave nasty comments. I don't have to know them personally, if they are rude, they get blocked. Case closed. I won't see their rude comments anymore. It is so much better than stooping to their level trying to explain to them how wrong they are, when their comments already showed you they clearly don't know right from wrong.
You can also chose to limit certain people's posts. For example: If there's a friend who choses to post nothing but controversial items and you'd rather not see them. you can chose to "mute" that friend for a while or chose not to see their posts in your feed.
BE MORE ACTIVE We can handle stress better when we are moving around more. Go for walks, do some light exercises or yoga, dance (yes DANCE, put on your favourite music and let loose).
This could be a great time to TAKE UP A NEW HOBBY or get reacquainted with old hobbies you might have been putting off.
BE CREATIVE. Your creativity can manifest itself in many ways. You might like to create art pieces or paintings,
you could be into needlepoint, building models or Legos, you might like to
write stories, songs or poems, you might love cooking and baking tasty
All of these are creative outlets that take your mind to a more peaceful mindset. Never be afraid to try new things, your art is just that… YOURS and there’s no need to compare it to others or tell yourself you can’t do it.
Our last suggestion for dealing with the world’s bad news you are already aware of, because you are doing it right now. VISIT SCRIBBLES. You don’t have to wait until I post notice via Facebook or Scribbles email group that there is a new Scribbles post to check out. Bookmark Scribbles.co and visit it anytime, anywhere.
If you go to our right sidebar section you will find SCRIBBLES ARCHIVES. There you can go back from most recent posts to those we posted as far back as 2009. That’s just over 15 years of past Scribbles fun to revisit.
Our sidebar also includes a link to SCRIBBLES YOU TUBE CHANNEL where you can enjoy every Scribbles Video ever created.
It is my sincere pleasure to continue featuring archived Joe Friday posts featuring Jim's amazing wit & wisdom, mixed in with new photos of Joe & his many friends.