APR. 28, 2020

Hello My Isolated Friends,
Another week has passed with the news on the battlelines pretty much in the same place as it was last weekend when I posted new stuff here. The race to find a vaccine for the deadly Covid 19 virus continues around the globe, the number of Covid cases (and sadly... deaths) continues to increase and - while most of us remain at home, distancing ourselves from loved ones - others are beginning to get antsy, claiming it's time to get back to work (we're talking you, wingnut mayor of Las Vegas.)
Compounding the sorrow, a senseless mass-shooting in rural Nova Scotia, left 22 people dead and countless mourning family and friends left to ask "why?"...something we may never truly understand. Our condolences go to our Scribbles friends in Nova Scotia.
With all that sadness, this weekend's edition of Scribbles may be more welcome than ever before. We've heard from many of our friends lately, all proclaiming how much they're appreciating the cheerful content on our site. In today's updates, we've included a selection of your compliments. What can I say? Flattery will get you everywhere as they say, and your praise is precisely what brings me back to the drawing board time and time again.
Since many of you liked the virtual visit to my new Simpsons Nook, we have another tour for you to enjoy. This time it's the rest of my home you get to check out...and you don't even have to wipe your feet or change out of those wrinkly old t-shirts and sweat pants you've been living in lately.
You'll find cool pix of our buddy Dale and his new stander and plenty of humourous posts as well, because laughter is the best medicine. We also have more stories of what our Scribbles friends have been doing while remaining at home and we proudly debut our scrolling marquee (text) at the very top of our sidebar section in honour of all our frontline friends out there.
Hope you enjoy it all!