Jun 29, 2016
Jun 28, 2016
Jun 27, 2016
KIDS | Three Times Two Equals Fun!
A beautiful hot summer day was ideal fora party celebrating the 3rd birthday of twins Maia and Kayla Dennis. The party was held Sat. Jun.25th at the Dennis home in Welland and attended by family and friends. I received a last minute invitation, and I leaped at the opportunity to join in the fun.
We have a slideshow of photos taken at the party which are sure to make you smile and crave a piece of birthday cake.
Jun 26, 2016
SUN-SATIONAL ENCORE | Funny Photos from 1995
Oh I remember it well.....
When Scribbles was a magazine, there were many challenges when it came to putting it together. Remember, publishing Scribbles was prior to computers, so when I cut and paste, I was literally cutting & pasting and when it came to creating funny photos, that was tricky too.
I had an envelope full of Scribbles pals heads, cut from photographs and often in various sizes. I would then remove photos from magazines and paste our friends heads over the ones in the pix.
Sometimes I didn't have a friend's head in a size that matched the magazine pix. As a result, often the heads and bodies didn't match very well, which kinda made the photos even funnier.
These days, thanks to computer programs like Photoshop, I can put your heads on just about any pix and they can easily be resized to fit the photo.... but sometimes I think the old manual ways were a bit more interesting, heads up!
Here is our STRANGER THAN TRUTH Funny Photos section as featured in Scribbles Magazine's April 1995 edition. Where we could, we've added recent photos of the friends featured in this special section, which debuted over 21 years ago....WOW!
When Scribbles was a magazine, there were many challenges when it came to putting it together. Remember, publishing Scribbles was prior to computers, so when I cut and paste, I was literally cutting & pasting and when it came to creating funny photos, that was tricky too.
I had an envelope full of Scribbles pals heads, cut from photographs and often in various sizes. I would then remove photos from magazines and paste our friends heads over the ones in the pix.
Sometimes I didn't have a friend's head in a size that matched the magazine pix. As a result, often the heads and bodies didn't match very well, which kinda made the photos even funnier.
These days, thanks to computer programs like Photoshop, I can put your heads on just about any pix and they can easily be resized to fit the photo.... but sometimes I think the old manual ways were a bit more interesting, heads up!
Here is our STRANGER THAN TRUTH Funny Photos section as featured in Scribbles Magazine's April 1995 edition. Where we could, we've added recent photos of the friends featured in this special section, which debuted over 21 years ago....WOW!
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YOUR WORDS | For the Love of Stubby
Written by Joan Wiley
Great piece Joan. If our Scribbles pals would like to read more about when Stubby first became part of the neighbourhood, in another article written by Joan as featured in The Globe & Mail CLICK HERE (First the Globe & Mail now Scribbles, you are on a roll and we want to read more of your trials and tribulations, so don't be shy, you've got a captive audience here my friend.
We’ve been caring for Stubby the stray black cat for several years, feeding him, bringing him into the house on the coldest of winter days and nights, and springing for shots and meds for worms, fleas, and whatever else befalls a community cat.
When he visited for breakfast on the last weekend in April, it was clear he’d been wounded. He was unable to lift his tail, and at first I thought it might be broken. He would not let us touch his lower back. A neighbour later told methat he believed Stubby had been bitten in the backside by a rival cat.
I called the vet on Monday, May 2, and made arrangements to bring in Stubby after I’d captured him during breakfast the next day.
But he didn’t show up the next day. Or the day after that. A week went by, two weeks, a month. Longer. We called and visited the humane society to see if someone had turned him in. I left my sweat-soaked gym T-shirts at the entrances to our back yard, hoping that my familiar scent would lure him back to us. I regularly checked the cat shelters on our property. I called his name every time I went outside, and kept an eye out for him during walks around the neighbourhood. Nothing.
I began to lose hope, imagining the worst. He’d succumbed to a painful infection, fallen prey to predators in his weakened condition, been hit by a car.
And then last night….
“Joan, you have to come downstairs,” said my husband. “I’m not sure, but I think Stubby is in the back yard.”
And there he was. Eight weeks had passed since I’d last seen him. Stubby took one look at me and yowled louder than I’ve ever heard him. We tentatively approached each other. He allowed me to stroke him; his protruding shoulder blades indicated how thin he’d become. One plate, two plates, three plates of food were presented, and he gobbled them up.
Last night I didn’t wait for the next day. Lesson learned. I gathered him up and placed him in a temporary safe place in our home, with a cat bed, food, water and litter box. He kneaded his bed, stretched out full on the floor, let me stroke his belly. Later he slept like the dead.
This morning I took him to the vet clinic. Except for an abscess under his tail, which was drained, he’s in good health and recuperating in his little room.
Stubby, where have you been? Wherever it was, whatever adventure you were on, I’m sure glad you came home.
And don’t you ever do that again.
Jun 25, 2016
Jun 24, 2016
SUN-SATIONAL FLASHBACK | Roommates With a Unique Twist
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When I met her, Ginny lived with our pal Dale. Dale soon moved in with me and after he left, Ginny then became my roomie. It's a bit more complex than I've described it here, like something juicy from a soap opera and it most certainly was never boring. LOL.
Below is a notice from Summer 1988 which I created when Ginny & I were moving from the cramped top floor of a house near the highway, to renting a house with a nice sized yard, garden area and more. The perfect place for raising cats, dogs, mice or whatever else you may have bonded with.
When I met my then partner Glenn, he moved in with Ginny & I. Eventually Ginny moved and Glenn & I stayed at the quaint house until a new neighbour with a criminal past and very scary friends, became too much to deal with.
So much has changed since those days, eh Ginny? One thing that hasn't is my love for you and your family and my gratitude to be able to call you a forever friend.
YOU | A Unique Wedding Pix
Our pals Karyn & Scott Adamson went to Iceland for a vacation and eloped while they were away. This explains how the remains of a plane were on hand for Scott to take a pix of with of course the beautiful bride herself.
Scott used his old Mamiya c330 camera to shoot this photo and pointed out that there were no casualties when the plane originally crash landed. Whew!
Scott used his old Mamiya c330 camera to shoot this photo and pointed out that there were no casualties when the plane originally crash landed. Whew!
Still Time to Enter
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-Parents/Guardians: email us at scribblesonline@sympatico.ca with your child's name, age and answer to the question.
-You can also send me a private facebook message with your child's info.
-If there is more than one child in your home who wants to enter, list their names, ages and answers in one email.
-Our prize is a 30 minute magic show featuring Magician Gil. He will come to your home or location you have arranged. Depending upon how much space you have for Gil to perform, you are welcome to invite a few friends.
-After the contest deadline, all names will go in a hat and one will be drawn as our winner, A runner up will also be picked in the event the winner is somehow unable to host the magic show.
Jun 23, 2016
IN MEMORIAM | Saying Goodbye to Four Furry BFF's
We send our condolences to the families and friends of kitty's Scamp [Sally's cat] Duncan [Kevin's cat] and Gidget [Claudia's cat.] Their passings occurred in the past week.
Jun 22, 2016
Jun 21, 2016
Jun 20, 2016
YOU | Workin' with Dad's a Splash!
Proud papa Sean Young is seen here with his young son Sam (who's no stranger to Scribbles followers), as Sean let's his "mini me" help with the fire hose.
Sean is a volunteer firefighter and it looks like Sam might follow in his dad's footsteps. Those are big shoes to fill little guy, but we're sure they will be a perfect fit one day.
Sean is a volunteer firefighter and it looks like Sam might follow in his dad's footsteps. Those are big shoes to fill little guy, but we're sure they will be a perfect fit one day.
Jun 19, 2016
VIDEO | Young Talent
This clip is really something (well except for the awkward part of the song when the two kids are standing there during the musical bridge) Talent comes in all shapes and sizes, as we see here.
Jun 18, 2016
With over 10 brand new posts launching all on the same day, it’s only fitting I wanted to include an editorial. And while it was originally supposed to be all about the new posts (which it still will be) I can’t help but first address the elephant in the room.
The Pulse Nightclub shootings have unearthed me unlike any other U.S. mass shooting. It’s the number of casualties, it’s the hatred towards the LGBT+ community, it’s the whole thought of how it all happened...while people were enjoying a night out... and it’s about a feeling like it could have been you.
The day of the shootings, I went out with Timmi for a walk. A truck drove by and it felt like the driver was looking at me. I was wearing a bracelet with a small Pride rainbow on it. Was this guy looking at it? Was he going to get out of his truck and beat me up? I hadn’t felt like that since the late 70’s and the fact I conjured up those memories made me shutter. That’s part of what all terrorists want. To make us afraid. To make us stop doing something. And that’s why we must never forget, but must not be afraid. Love will always win over hate, even if that has gotten increasingly more difficult to believe at times.
Something you can believe is that Scribbles.co has over 11 new posts today. This includes our exclusive coverage of Pride in the Park (which includes a new Scribbles Video), a chance for Scribbles kids have a magician come to their home to perform a magic show*, Scribbles having fun at the Lyme Disease fundraiser for our friend Bylynnda and a lot of posts all about you and your fellow Scribbles friends.
In the weeks ahead, watch for “Sun-Sational Encores” and more new posts until the end of July. As we did last year, we will be taking the month of August off, to enjoy the dog days of summer.
This all comes on the heels of me receiving an award for doing precisely what I’m doing right this moment.
That truly was a moving experience and if ever I question if people are still interested in Scribbles, all I have to do is look at my award for the answer. Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I am truly humbled.
The Pulse Nightclub shootings have unearthed me unlike any other U.S. mass shooting. It’s the number of casualties, it’s the hatred towards the LGBT+ community, it’s the whole thought of how it all happened...while people were enjoying a night out... and it’s about a feeling like it could have been you.

Something you can believe is that Scribbles.co has over 11 new posts today. This includes our exclusive coverage of Pride in the Park (which includes a new Scribbles Video), a chance for Scribbles kids have a magician come to their home to perform a magic show*, Scribbles having fun at the Lyme Disease fundraiser for our friend Bylynnda and a lot of posts all about you and your fellow Scribbles friends.
In the weeks ahead, watch for “Sun-Sational Encores” and more new posts until the end of July. As we did last year, we will be taking the month of August off, to enjoy the dog days of summer.
This all comes on the heels of me receiving an award for doing precisely what I’m doing right this moment.
That truly was a moving experience and if ever I question if people are still interested in Scribbles, all I have to do is look at my award for the answer. Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I am truly humbled.
REVISED CONTEST | Now Everyone* Can Enter
-*Contest is open to any age Scribbles readers, who reside in Canada who are already part of Scribbles "family". Sorry no random entries.
-If you live in Niagara/Hamilton area and are a child ages 5 -13, you may only enter one contest. This one or the Magic Show contest. You CANNOT enter both contests.
-Parents/Guardians: email us at scribblesonline@sympatico.ca with your child's name, age and answer to the question.
-You can also send me a private message on facebook.
-Adults: Email or private facebook your answer to Scribbles.
-If there is more than one person in your home who wants to enter, list their names, ages and answers in one email.
-After the contest deadline, all names will go in a hat and one will be drawn as our winner.
Jun 17, 2016
YOU | Pride in the Park
Another year, another amazing Pride in the Park. The June 4th event capped off Niagara's Pride week, a week that included the Kick Off Party, Rainbow flag raisings and the Unity Awards.
Mother Nature must have got our memo, kindly asking her to give us a beautiful sunny day, in return for a front row seat to all the action. How could she possibly resist that?
Live performers graced the stage throughout the day, with Rupaul's Drag Race contestant Willam as the grand finale act.
Vendors of all descriptions were on board with lot of free swag and great deals to take advantage of. I didn't miss a single booth, and if I did it was likely because you were swagless.....LOL!
Here's what Pride in the Park looked like through the eyes of Scribbles.
Scribbles VIDEO | Pride in the Park 2016
Best Pride Yet!
This year's Pride in Niagara was unlike any other. For me personally, I attended more events than usual, thanks to friends who wanted me to be there.
I finally got to see the results of Pride Niagara's events such as the Kick Off Party and the Unity Awards. Both were top-notch and I was thrilled to be a part of the excitement. (And yes, winning the Ed Eldred Unity Award was indeed the cherry on my sundae.)
Pride in the Park seems to get bigger each year. The layout for the stage and vendors was a nice change. It allowed pavilion party goers to view the live performance from afar while still sipping their favourite cocktails. Bonus!
And as late and ill-prepared as she was, it was still pretty wild that you had Willam as the closing act....I'm certain Cher can be only a few years away.
Pride Niagara, I am so proud of all of you! I know that all these events do not just happen. It takes a lot of time and effort. It reminds me of Scribbles. A 3 minute video can sometimes have taken 12 hours or more to put together, but no one sees that, they see a 3 minute video.
We may not have been there to see all the effort, but make no mistake, we all enjoyed the results.
Mother Nature must have got our memo, kindly asking her to give us a beautiful sunny day, in return for a front row seat to all the action. How could she possibly resist that?
Live performers graced the stage throughout the day, with Rupaul's Drag Race contestant Willam as the grand finale act.
Vendors of all descriptions were on board with lot of free swag and great deals to take advantage of. I didn't miss a single booth, and if I did it was likely because you were swagless.....LOL!
Here's what Pride in the Park looked like through the eyes of Scribbles.
Scribbles VIDEO | Pride in the Park 2016
Best Pride Yet!
This year's Pride in Niagara was unlike any other. For me personally, I attended more events than usual, thanks to friends who wanted me to be there.
I finally got to see the results of Pride Niagara's events such as the Kick Off Party and the Unity Awards. Both were top-notch and I was thrilled to be a part of the excitement. (And yes, winning the Ed Eldred Unity Award was indeed the cherry on my sundae.)
Pride in the Park seems to get bigger each year. The layout for the stage and vendors was a nice change. It allowed pavilion party goers to view the live performance from afar while still sipping their favourite cocktails. Bonus!
And as late and ill-prepared as she was, it was still pretty wild that you had Willam as the closing act....I'm certain Cher can be only a few years away.
Pride Niagara, I am so proud of all of you! I know that all these events do not just happen. It takes a lot of time and effort. It reminds me of Scribbles. A 3 minute video can sometimes have taken 12 hours or more to put together, but no one sees that, they see a 3 minute video.
We may not have been there to see all the effort, but make no mistake, we all enjoyed the results.
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