Although we've all enjoyed Joe Friday's adventures this past year, I had not met the lovable canine or his human friend. In May, I messaged Jim to see if we could arrange meeting and to get a photo for use on Joe's anniversary.
With so many things going on in our lives, it looked like we were not going to meet prior to June 5th. We talked on Friday and I joked that Jim and Joe would have come to Pride in the Park if we were ever to get a photo with all three of us in it. I warned Jim that if they did go, Joe Friday was going to get a ton of attention.
Fast forward to Pride in the Park, mid afternoon. I'm with a group of Pride enthusiasts, under a covered area smack dab in the middle of the park. I'm sitting on the ground when someone starts sniffing at my ear, It was Joe Friday with his wonderful dad Jim and his doggie girlfriend Lily. It was a great surprise and Jim stayed long enough to say hello, get the money shot and then head out.
I had been correct when I forewarned Jim that Joe Friday would be popular. Jim explained it had taken a considerable amount of time to go through the park to where I was located, because everyone wanted to say hi to Joe Friday and Lily.
Thanks so much for popping by the Pride party Jim, that was very nice of you and another unforgettable moment from a week of festivities and celebrations.
Here's some classic Joe Friday pix....