We have updated our sidebar section, with changes designed to make it easier for you to use.
Our EVENTS section is now listed by date and our TV section is listed by day. Each feature red sub tabs for ease of use.
We have brought back YOUR BUSINESS section. It is divided into sub categories, such as food, pets, shops & services. We would love to feature your business or service....a FREE feature for SCRIBBLES PALS ONLY
We kick off our NEW LOOK sidebar with a NEW FEATURE... SCRIBBLES ARCHIVES. You can travel back over to the past 13-14 years with all our past posts. It can be a lot of fun to pick a year and see what we were doing..... and see how little some of our younger Scribbles friends were. It's a delightful rabbit hole that we hope you visit often.
...and one more thing...
And before we end this post.... We are lovin' your kind words about Mr. Sock. He has a lot of fans of all ages and it fills me with much joy to know you get a kick out of Mr. Sock's misadventures.
Because I've been working a lot on videos - most with Mr. Sock, it takes time away from creating Scribbles What's New With You & Joe Friday sections. We hope to get those features to you soon, but we cannot lock in specific dates at this time.