Back in the day when I had a job, a car and a life, I saw many of you fairly often. When we were together we shared stories and took photos and they would often end up on Scribbles.
These days, getting together with others is a rarity. There's many reasons for that, which include no longer having a car (SOB, I miss "Betsy" my beloved dark green '96 Ford Taurus.) and my health issues, which often dictate when or if I get out at all.
Thankfully there's Facebook which is a tremendous source of info and photos for Scribbles.
I enjoyed going on Facebook to discover your latest adventures, through photos and words. With your permission, I would then take the fun stuff you had posted on Facebook and turn it into exciting Scribbles stories.
Many of you continue to use Facebook to entertain and inform your friends about the things that are happening to you and your loved ones, and I still love to use this stuff on Scribbles and would be totally lost without it.
Over the past couple of years, there are more negative items being posted and shared on Facebook than ever before. Some of it comes from Facebook itself, with its "algorithms" and "suggested posts" but much of it is featured on some of your Facebook pages. Hell, I've done it myself sometimes, by sharing an unbelievable thing Trump tweeted or did.
Certainly everyone is free to post anything they wish on Facebook (well, almost anything) and I get that I can't act like an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand to avoid the harsher elements of life.
But I can limit my exposure to negative things and make a conscious decision not to feature those things on Scribbles or my Facebook page.
In fact, right now, I believe I not only CAN limit how much negativity I allow into my life, I MUST limit it, for the benefit of my health.
Your Neurotic (But Working on It) Friend,