We Welcome our Newest scribbles fan:

Julie Boyse
I first met Julie Boyse this Summer. Like me, Julie had been invited by the Convery gals (Becky, Shanny, Susan, Jody) to join them for a "Girls Weekend" at their family cottage "Maggie's Cove", in Pappaneau Lake, ON.
I knew right off I was going to like Julie, when she offered to help me with my numerous bags (it's a fact, "Just Jack" does not pack lightly...LOL) . I loved Julie's free-spirit, she was big on the outdoorsy stuff like helping keep the campfires burning & feeding the wildlife and she was a real pleasure to be around.
This weekend I met up with her and the girls again, this time out after the Wine Festival parade, at Chilli Pepper's bar, where we all enjoyed the group The Figure Four. I didn't miss the opportunity this time to grab Julie's email info so I could officially add her to scribbles mailing list. Welcome Julie, I hope we meet up again soon and remember "No Visa, just Debit and You take garbage outside, OUTSIDE" LMAO!!