Funeral for a Friend
It's still sinking in that we will never again hear the voice of Jack Layton, who was given a state funeral on August 27th.
It was a service unlike any other and befitting of someone as influential and caring as "Jack". As I sat in my living room, candles lit and curtains drawn, a tremendous sense of loss consumed me as I watched as so many diverse people said their goodbyes. Soft sobs gave way to a flood of tears, Jack meant so much so too so many and I was no exception.
His voice may be silent, but his vision and ideals will live on.
Goodbye Jack, we are a better country for having had you walk amongst us.
scribbles VIDEO CLIP
The Legacy of Layton
on Jack Layton's State Funeral...
"I must say I cried a bit too ....esp when the daughter was talking about him playing tea with her daughter...."
Heather Denis - Welland, ON
""A manifesto of social democracy." Sad, joyful, inspirational, hopeful."
Joan Wiley - St Catharines, ON
"I am totally drained Ken. I was a major supporter of the man and his ideals, not necessarily the Party."
Name Withheld
"It was so well done - you could tell that Jack had a hand in the planning - his personality shone through!!"
Julia Eckert - Niagara Falls, ON
"Got to admit, it's pretty sad. wouldn't miss most of the others on the hill."
Sarah Toner - Renfrew, ON
What a shame...Whenever someone so truly good like this passes I wonder how life would have been If they had lived and been able to do all the good work that clearly they would have done in this world. Maybe we owe it to them to do something no matter how big or small to honor them and there work. Gets you to thinking doesn't it?
Kim Papple - St Catharines, ON
I cried when I read his letter to Canadians, if they were only all like him!!!!!
Becky Lee -St Catharines, ON
Remembering "GeeGee"
Scribbles sends condolences to the Eckert family on the loss of their Grandma Gwen Sandham, who passed away Sat. Aug. 27th.
In their own words here is what Ginny and Julia Eckert (pictured above with Gwen) posted on facebook:
"For those who knew her; Grandma, left this world quietly and in peace this morning. For those that loved her, our hearts join yours as we celebrate the life of our Friend, Grandmother, Mother, GeeGee, Aunt or Sister. In what ever way her life touched yours remember her today and celebrate a long life well lived and well loved.
To celebrate Geegee's life we are going to go to the lake Manitoba. We will have happy hour at 3pm, play rumoli, cribbage and yatzee. I am going to stop and get butter tarts (that will never be as good as her's were) I am going to pack the car till the kids can't move as a tribute to the journey to Starlake; and we'll share all the greatest times we spent with Grandma"
Ginny Eckert -Winnipeg MB
"[I think] that we were so very lucky to have...Gwen Sandham, in our lives. A wonderful woman, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, hostess, UCW member, baker, gardener, community leader and so much more....She passed away this morning, and she will be so missed."
Julia Eckert - Niagara Falls, ON
[KEN REPLIES: I remember your Grandma Sandham and she was indeed a wonderful woman. Her values, talents and goodwill will definitely live on, as it is obvious she was a great role model to many in the Eckert/Sandham family. My sincerest sympathy]
click on pix to view larger version
Sunny Delight
During her recent visit to Renfrew, Joan Storie took this photo of the many sunflowers growing on the "Farquharson Farm". They sure were plentiful and a sure sign that Summer was in full bloom.
That's a Wrap
Ethan McParland laughs out loud while his brother Jack turns him into a mummy by wrapping him in toilet paper, as their cousin Dylan watches in disbelief.
Baby Einstein
"The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side". LOL!!
Gotta admit Alina Denis of Welland sure does look mighty intelligent wearing these big blue over-sized novelty glasses. Another amusing photo posted on facebook by her mommy Heather and we love it!!
Happy Birthday to Rob's Aunt Linda
Too bad your party was postponed, because I have a very cool card for you, but sorry, no peanut butter, banana and mayo sandwiches this time around...LOL
click pix to view card in larger version
Reporting for Duty

After a 3 1/2 month leave of absence, due to my chronic neck and back pain,
I will be returning to work on Mon. Aug. 29th.
Being off all Summer might sound like a dream come true, but believe me it has been no walk in the park. Much of the time I was off work was spent either in pain (and tears), getting treatments or recovering from them. Not exactly my definition of fun.
There were many trying times. Days when my pain was quite intense and fueled a depression that was VERY difficult to shake. Thanks to the unwavering support of so many of you, I made it through these trying periods. I am truly grateful for all the caring friends in my life, not sure how I would have managed without you.
There were however some bright spots throughout my time off. I saw Tim McGraw in concert, enjoyed a big reunion with pals Ginny Eckert and Mickey Bertrand, spent lots of time with my 5 year old nephew Graham, assumed the role of caregiver when Rob had surgery, got even closer with my furry friends Timmi and J.R. (my own personal caregivers) and watched in disbelief as my "little niece" Erin turned "Sweet Sixteen" (WOW!!)
Under doctor's orders, I am only able to work 4 hour shifts for the first few weeks I return to my post at Talk Wireless Inc. and I'm appreciative to have such a supportive employer.
As you have probably grown used to over the past while, expect to see scribbles updates sporadically, as I adapt to working again and continue to work on being pain-free.
An Extra-Special "Thank You"...
As I mentioned above, I have so many great people to thank for helping me through the low points of my time off. The list is very long. my family, my friends, my partner, my pets, to name but a few. All of you in one way or another helped make the pain and bad days somehow seem less dark.
But there's someone out there who quite literally went the extra distance by being my personal chauffeur, driving my to and from my many pain treatments at the
Rothbart Centre in
Toronto. Thank you so much to
Bob Miller for taking time out of your busy schedule to bring me to the place I would find some relief from the pain I've lived with for so very long.
That was very nice of you to do Bob and I can't thank you enough!
The happy couple were wed Sun. Aug. 21st.
click pix for larger version
"Little Man" Graham in the Great Outdoors
I haven't seen much of my nephew Graham lately and that's because he was at Algonquin Park with his daddy Ken Clark and other family members. Graham's mommy Jane had to work, so she stayed home and enjoyed some quiet time to herself, while the boys did their father and son bonding in the wilderness.
Looks like it was a beautiful place to visit guys, but did they have any sprinklers to play in or fishies to feed?
"Back to School" Do
And now that he's back from Algonquin Park, Graham's mommy took him to get his "back to school" haircut. Boy he sure looks grown up with his new wonder I lovingly refer to him as our "Little Man".
You could waste weeks, days, or minutes
trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces.
Or you could leave the pieces on the floor,
step over them, and move on.
Dave Webber -Port Colborne, ON
Get Well Sis!!
My sister Kim Papple had surgery this week and is now on the mend. Since she has a great sense of humour, we're pretty sure they didn't "remove funny bone" and make her nose light up.
Hope the process went well little sister and that you will soon be feeling better than ever!
They Always Get Their Man
Our talented Nova Scotia pal Angela Whiteley has been at it again, with this provocative body-painting masterpiece. WOW! ....The Mounties never looked so where's her painted horse?
Great job Ang!
Sandra Burger-Vedder's
photogenic cat Murphy is at it again,
"All the taste and no calories..."
"...And it's good to the last drop"
Ken, great job! I always enjoy going through scribbles all the time.
Sandra Burger-Vedder - Welland, ON
The Last Tomato of Summer
by Mary Lou Carney
It was, quite literally, the last tomato of summer. For weeks my husband's uncle had provided us with delicious tomatoes from his garden. No fertilizers, no pesticides; just tomatoes he had grown from seeds saved from his plants last year. Tomatoes that were huge and firm and wonderfully sweet. And this was the last one.
It sat in a bowl on the kitchen counter. I thought of chopping it into my spaghetti sauce but was afraid the flavour might get lost. A tossed salad perhaps? That seemed too ordinary for this prize. An omelet? Topping a turkey sandwich? Everything seemed too everyday for this last tomato.

And then one morning the summer's last tomato was no more. Its top was wrinkled, and its sides puckered and speckled with dark spots. When I tried to pick it up, it was squishy and gave off a slightly acrid smell. I tossed it into the trash. A very ignominious end for the last tomato of summer.
I think of that tomato when I'm tempted to put off lunch with a friend, when I wait for a special occasion to wear my grandmother's cameo, when I promise myself a walk in the woods but never seem to find the time. Now—the time is now to act on dreams, to nurture relationships. And, if you have one, to eat the last tomato of summer
Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are Real Dolls
I've seen it all now! This Fall you can get bring Faith Hill and Tim McGraw home, in the form of Barbie dolls. Our Port Colborne pal Tricia Dickie forwarded the info to me, knowing what an avid Tim McGraw fan I am.
According to the website where you can pre-order the dolls:
"Celebrating country music's ultimate power couple, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill., this chart-topping celebrity couple continue to have success with #1 hits and setting tour records with the highest-grossing country tour of all time. Tim is dressed in a black suit with his classic black Stetson hat. Faith looks glamorous in a dress made for the red carpet with a glitter pattern and lace overlay. For ages 6 and over".
Friends love you just the way you are
Life is like a roll of toilet paper.
The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.