Hi Everyone!
Right now the power of love and caring is more important than ever. For every bad news story you encounter, there’s countless good ones. Every single day, amazing people around the world do things to make this place we call home a little bit better. We don’t often hear about them, but they’re out there. Performing acts of kindness with no expectations.
I pride myself on creating something that makes a lot of people happy. My unique way of providing you with a place that’s entertaining & calming, that takes you away from the scary world outside.
Coincidentally, right now is also a great time for you to enjoy our fall /dog edition. There’s lots of stories about what you’ve been up to, 35 of your awesome dogs, a new contest that will get your tails awaggin' and much more.
And don’t forget to check out our Fall TV Premiere Dates, a handy way of finding out when your favourite shows are coming back. Find it in our sidebar >>>
Last week I contacted an old friend to get some info about their dog. We hadn’t spoken online for a while. I was delighted to hear back from them not only with dog facts but with a compliment. They love Scribbles. It’s strange how hearing that has such a positive effect on me.
Labour Day marked exactly 41 years since the very first Scribbles and getting positive feedback from you just never gets old. In fact it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It also guarantees I will continue creating things for you to enjoy, such as what I’m offering you today. Enjoy!