Oct 3, 2021

EDITORIAL - We're Back

Hello Friends,

It’s been just shy of two months since we last met here, so you can bet there’s a lot to get caught up on in this edition. But first I’d like to take moment to acknowledge a few things.

Let’s start with Scribbles itself. Labour Day was officially our 42nd anniversary. It’s hard to believe those little hand-drawn Sunny Digests would one day find us continuing to keep in touch on a grander scale over the internet. That’s a whole lotta Scribblin’ my friends. I appreciate that many of you have been along for the ride since our humble beginnings and thrilled that we continue to meet new friends who are discovering Scribbles for the very first time. That just never gets old and keeps me extremely motivated.

In celebration of our anniversary, we’re bringing back some popular features. This includes a revamped Scribbles Spotlight (replacing Scribbles SuperFan) which kicks off with our much deserving friend LeeAnne.

Also returning is Fortune Cookies. Much like horoscopes, Fortune Cookies were a staple of Scribbles Magazines and although we’ve had to change it a bit in order to include everyone, we hope you will find it very entertaining (as that’s what it’s intended to be. Don’t go quitting your day job or betting all your money on a long shot based upon what your Fortune Cookie tells you. LOL.)

Later this month, watch for photos and stories from Scribbles archives. With over 4 decades of pix and info, we’ll all be taking plenty of trips down memory lane.

Battle of the Best is also back and although it’s featured through Facebook & email and not on our actual website, the results of Series 2 will eventually make it to Scribbles in a future video.

Halloween is just around the corner and that means the return of Scribbles Annual Costume Contest later this month. Scary good fun!

Enough gibber gabber. Welcome back friends, now let’s get at it.

With Love,
