The clip above is just a small sample of the amazing things Angela can do with her body-painting supplies, a willing subject and her abundant talent.
For the record, "Scary" isn't the only direction Angela takes when she applies ink to skin. Her portfolio is filled with funny and cute creations too. But since this IS Halloween, we've featured only the faces that are really really scary. We don't recommend this video clip be viewed with little kids around. They might be frightened...even though all the images are just make-up and imagination.
"YAY !! Heheheeh ..... I sat here clapping my hands and giggling like a little school girl as I watched !!! It's very flattering to have someone like your work enough to take the time to put something like this together to surprise me !!! Thanks babe, you made my night !!! ♥"
Angela O'Neill-Whiteley -Digby, Nova Scotia
Scribbles archive of your amazing Halloween costumes grows bigger each year. Here's a new clip featuring ghosts, goblins and everything in between, seen in pix taken over the past several decades. Are you featured? Only one way to find out :)
This video includes a little gratutious T and A so, viewer discretion is advised...LOL! (Nothing too risque folks, just a little fun)
And in case you were wondering who the two costumed folks are in the photos around our video title above...the cute little pumpkin is our pal Megan Fox. She's changed quite a bit since that pix was taken, as you will discover in our clip.
And in case you were wondering who the two costumed folks are in the photos around our video title above...the cute little pumpkin is our pal Megan Fox. She's changed quite a bit since that pix was taken, as you will discover in our clip.
Oh, and as for the petite young lady wearing the mysterious mask. That would be yours truly when I was about 19, on my way to the Moose Lodge Halloween party where a few older men were buying me drinks and asking for a dance. That is until midnight, when the masks came off and I made my "big" reveal. Yes old boys, all night you've been flirting with a guy...CLASSIC!
Check out this amusing and interactive card CLICK HERE.