Jun 7, 2012

Bobby and Shane Interview Photographer/Digital Artist Stacey Fox

 See more of Stacey Fox's astounding photography at http://www.staceyfox.ca/  and http://www.staceyfoxfotos.com/


"Ken, you seriously rock!!!! Thank you sooo much for putting BS Live and the interview with Stacey on your page. It looks awesome!! Also I saw the Fuse Box show mentions as well. I love what your doing with your page. Keep rockin my friend! I think it may be time for an interview with you down the line?? lol"
-Bryan (Bobby Rock) Rehkopf

As featured on facebook:"Well isn't THIS a special treat!! just about to sign off for the night and in comes an email from a total but perfect stranger, who loved the work I did with Bobby Rock Rehkopf & Shane Christopher Neal recently that he gave me a wonderful plug or dare I say spotlight, on his website http://www.scribbles.co/ what an absolutely fantastic way to end my night! Check out scribbles.co for all kinds of great goodies & goin's on!"
-Stacey Fox