When I went on Facebook and saw the message and accompanying photo featured below, it took my breath away. I cannot believe our friend Paula Charles MacArthur, who was only 33, has now been gone 9 years.
I remember when we worked together at Troll Book Clubs. I was her "Kenny Boy" and she was my "Paula Girl". Even on the worst of days, Paula had a way of making things bearable. And when it came to a sense of humour, well, Paula Girl wrote the book.
We shared so many laughs....those zany mobile book sales, her surprise baby shower and many "girl's night out's"...which naturally included me.
Below, Paula's mom Maria Charles reflects upon all the things that have happened in the past 9 years. She gave me permission to repost it here, for our Scribbles friends who knew Paula and aren't on Facebook (yes, there are still people who are not.)
Thank you for letting me share your words Maria. Paula was an amazing girl, who lived her short life to its fullest and who we will never forget.

Her beautiful nieces Kelsey and Victoria becoming mums last year. Kelsey and Tom's little one Finley, and Victoria's little one Bodhi. Oh how she would love them. And Kelsey's upcoming marriage.
Her beautiful sister Samantha having gone through cancer, like she did, but Samantha not having her little sister there with her,
Her little brother Roger having Abigail and Liam, with Lauren and Kaitlyn making a beautiful family.
Oh how I miss her coming through the front door calling out to me, or stopping me as I walk down the street to stop in for a tea. She lived 4 doors down.
We all miss her so much, her antics of bringing the hose into the house and spraying everyone, or cake fights. Her strength for everything she went through with the cancer. Always being strong for her children right up to the end.
[March 16] also marks our Victoria's 18th Birthday. So it is a bitter sweet day.
I remember the night before Paula asking me to bring bread and gravy from the roast beef as she was in the hospital. But we got a call that day, so we didn't get to celebrate our Victoria's birthday, or our Paula getting her bread and gravy, as she passed that night.
We miss you so much my darling. Love you always our angel up in heaven xoxo