Jul 24, 2019

EDITORIAL | We're All in It Together

Hi everyone!   
Summer is sizzlin' all around us and nowhere is that more true than with you...our amazing Scribbles gang. You've been making the most out of every heat-filled moment with celebrations and holidays.

Our "biggies" this time out would be our two Ottawa Valley themed posts and Scribbles Videos. Let Love Grow gives you an intimate look at what it was like at Megan & Andy's wedding, held in a large field in rural Renfrew. It was almost surreal seeing so many of you at the big event and not just because you saved me a chunk of cash in postage fees when I gave you your Scribbles keychains. LOL!

I won't lie, I was a bit scared during the storm's climax as that large tent flapped and roared with the down pouring of the rain and crashes of thunder. Sitting in an area where there were plenty of kids meant I had to keep my cool and act all grown up about it all, but I was eyeballing the nearest exit just in case.

I'm so happy for Megan & Andy. Love truly grows in this family and I'm proud to be a part of it.

Many of you had cause to celebrate in the past few weeks. First it was graduations then it was Canada Day and we have cool collages of you enjoying both.

Scribbles Dunnville friend Kathryn Stengel shares her stunning photography and the mission of By the Willow, which she is associated with. Bekah, Dave & Chris have new dogs at their homes, we have a new Scribbles pal and we review two more movies.

This is our last multiple posts update until September. For the remainder of the summer, we'll have fewer posts, released singularly not in groups (So no "10 New Posts" till the fall.)

Lately I've been reminded of how just unique Scribbles is through our interactions with those darn keychains or from seeing you in Renfrew. It's a pretty one-of-a-kind entity and it thrills me beyonf words to play ringmaster to all of it.

Happy summer, enjoy YOUR new Scribbles posts.

Ken  xoxo

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