Jul 16, 2019

QUIZ | Do We Think Alike?

Back in the 80's & 90's, Do We Think Alike? was featured in almost every issue. Do you and I think alike? Let's find out. Grab a paper and pen and answer the following questions. My answers and what it all means appears below the questions portion.

Do We Think Alike?  

1. There's lots of ice cream flavours but to me you can't beat this flavour ________________

2. My favourite thing to do outdoors in the summer is _________________

3. The thing I have to do in the summer that I don't like is _______________

4. The BBQ is at optimal heat, time to get cooking.  The best thing to BBQ is _______________

5. Man, I'm thirsty. I need a drink. My favourite non-alcoholic thirst quencher is _______________

6. Coffee or tea?  You can only have one, the other will no longer exist. Which one would you KEEP? __________

7.  My favourite season is ____________________

8.  My favourite pizza topping is ____________________

9. But I don't like this on my pizza ___________________

10. If I could be a contestant on a game show, I'd want it to be this one __________________

My answers appear after this....


MY ANSWERS for Do You Think Alike? 

1. Vanilla is still my favourite ice cream. 2. In the summer I like gardening & working in the yard. 3. Cutting the grass is the thing I don't like doing in the summer.o 4. BBQ'd hamburgers are still my favourite.  5. Give me an iced tea when I'm thirsty.  6. If there was only one, sorry coffee, my choice is tea. I could live without coffee, but keep your hands off my tea. 7. Fall is my favourite season  8. My pizza must have pepperoni, the rest is optional. 9. Don't even think of putting anchoves on my pizza. 10. If I could go on a game show, gee that's a tough one, there's 2 that come to mind...I guess I'd say Press Your Luck, I love that show, it would be awesome to be playing against those whammies.

How many questions did you answer the same as me? 

0-4  Looks like we don't think alike very much. That's okay, we connect in other ways.
5-7  Impressive! Guess we're mre alike than some may have thought.
8-10 I bow down to you. You think very much like me. And gee, I can't find fault with that. LOL. You're one smart cookie!

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