Do We Think Alike?
1. There's lots of ice cream flavours but to me you can't beat this flavour ________________
2. My favourite thing to do outdoors in the summer is _________________
3. The thing I have to do in the summer that I don't like is _______________
4. The BBQ is at optimal heat, time to get cooking. The best thing to BBQ is _______________
5. Man, I'm thirsty. I need a drink. My favourite non-alcoholic thirst quencher is _______________
6. Coffee or tea? You can only have one, the other will no longer exist. Which one would you KEEP? __________
7. My favourite season is ____________________
8. My favourite pizza topping is ____________________
9. But I don't like this on my pizza ___________________
10. If I could be a contestant on a game show, I'd want it to be this one __________________
My answers appear after this....
MY ANSWERS for Do You Think Alike?
How many questions did you answer the same as me?
0-4 Looks like we don't think alike very much. That's okay, we connect in other ways.
5-7 Impressive! Guess we're mre alike than some may have thought.
8-10 I bow down to you. You think very much like me. And gee, I can't find fault with that. LOL. You're one smart cookie!
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