Feb 1, 2023

A Message from Ken Regarding Scribbles.co

Hello Everyone,

2023 marks 44 years of Scribbles. That’s over 4 decades of entertaining & informative magazines, posts, videos and cool contests (heck, our annual contest Find Frosty has been around since 1981...that's longer than several Scribbles friends have been alive!!)

We also continue to publish info and free ads about our Scribbles friends businesses and social events. 

There are some costs associated with Scribbles. Obviously we need a computer & internet access and there’s an annual renewal fee for our "Scribbles.co" domain name. Our contests also cost money, both for the prizes and the shipping fees.
My laptop is running a bit slow at times and its fan sometimes makes a noise. Experiences with previous computers have shown me that at any given time my laptop could die and I would be in dire need of a replacement.

Could you make a donation to be put towards Scribbles computer fund?

Perhaps you have gift cards that you received as a present but don’t plan on using. Maybe you have a business and would like to offer a gift certificate for good or services. Scribbles would be thrilled to receive those gift cards and certificates and other items that may be used as prizes for future contests.

And hey.. if you just happen to have an extra computer laying around.... well.... LOL!

If you can help in some way, it would be greatly appreciated. But no worries if you cannot, I totally understand. 

Thank you for your continued support for Scribbles. Rest assured I will keep bringing you Scribbles for as long as possible and there's lots of ideas for future fun.