And the Winner is the Cat in the Hat!
It was a close competition for many of our 15 entries in this year's BEST COSTUME CONTEST. And their fate rested in the hands of 21 scribbles readers who cast their votes.
In the end, Graham Clark as The Cat in the Hat won by ONE VOTE over Diane Murray's Beetlejuice. Only a few votes behind them was Rhonda King as the Skeleton Bride (not to worry, Rhonda's costume won Best Female costume at Envy Lounge's Monster Ball fundraiser)
Thanks to everyone who entered:
Rhonda King (Skeleton Bride) Shae D Davidson (Skeleton Groom) , Dave Nelson (Tim Burton character), Diane Murray (Beetlejuice), Megan Fox (Sex Kitten), Kerri Fortier (French Beauty), Erin Dick (her son Dylan as a tiger), Angela O'Neill-Whiteley (a Grad photo -complete with base) Laura Degraaf (Jem) Merry Proulx (granchildren Derek as Dracula and Joanna as witch), Jane Storie (son Graham as Cat in the Hat), Rodney Dennis (son Kade as cow) and Leeanne Chamberlain (as spooky witch)
Thank you to the following readers who took the time to vote for their favourites:
Jackie Hughes, Tom Balint, Trudy O'Neill, David Hallett, Patti Nault, Gary Cremer, Connie Bering, Marsha Scott, Becky Lee, Jen Bering, Mary Telford, Tammie Holditch, Alejandro Monte , Rob Dennis, Joan Storie, Bob Miller, Chris Wiley, Karin Gadd.