9. Around the bonfire at N.E.T. Campground - For so many reasons, this Sat. evening in Oct. was special. It was the first time I would get out to visit my pals Doug and Heather seasonal campsite in some time, it was their son Andrew's 25th Birthday, it was soon be Doug's 50th, I had just celebrated my own leap to 50, so I was rolled into the celebration. I met Tammie Holditch and her boyfriend for the first time and her brother Ricky was also able to join us cooking up a storm on the BBQ. Heather handed out extra-long sparklers which we lit around the fire while singing Happy Birthday to Everyone., Bob, Liz, Steph, Jack, Sassy..LOL - It was such a magical moment.
8. Wine Fest with the Girls and Figure Four - Niagara's Annual Wine Festival in Sept. is a favourite any year, but this year it was even better. Not only did I get to hang out with girlfriends Becky, Shanny, Julie, Jodi, Elena and Pam but I got to watch the local group The Figure Four perform twice that day. Later, scribbles featured an interview with Michael Chess -lead singer for the group. We have since seen the Figure Four at local venues and each show is truly one-of-a-kind.

7. Weekly Dinner at Mom's - Sometimes it's on a Tues. sometimes on a Wed. but with few exception I usually get to enjoy dinner at my mom's each week. This 'tradition' of sorts started years ago when she first got a computer and needed some basic tips. I'd come over and after dinner give her a pc lesson, it was great. These days there's not many computer lessons but still a checklist of things for us to do after dinner, and I hope there always will be.
Rob and I agreed, nothing too elaborate, but a sizable guest list was a must. Recently we have decided to call off the engagement. We can't afford to have the wedding we want right now and we are still very much in love. So it is all good.
4. I was actually dreading my 50th birthday on Oct 2nd but it turned out to be quite the day indeed. A Sat. afternoon visit to a local club turned into Party Central as I was followed around the bar by an interesting character to the enjoyment of my friends Becky, Susan and Gail, who had taken me there. This was part of my 3 day birthday celebration, which also included a surprise from the girls at work and a family birthday party at my mom's. Not bad for something I had dread.
3. I originally hadn't planned a hiatus from scribbles this Spring, but when my then web program provider messed up my site I got very hot and needed a break. During that time I discovered the Blogger site and instantly took to it. So number three this year is the new scribbles web site you are at right now.
2. Everlasting Pain -It's not something I enjoy but I certainly can't ignore ...my continuing chronic pain in my neck and back. If you're lucky enough to have an old hard copy scribbles magazine around, you could probably check and see neck and back pain on lists way back then too. I've had in for years and we just keep trying new things to relieve it. For better or worse my miserable old neck is still on the hit list.

1-Visiting Renfrew -There were so many reason to enjoy this years visit to Renfrew. It was my first time driving there and back, it was Rob's first visit and it was the first time I'd been in the Valley in some time. What a great week we had! Visiting with relatives, showing Rob my hometown and other Renfrew favourites. Crazy fun with Jeanne, Megan and Peter -like hot tub night- LOL. YEP #1 in my book, #1

7. Weekly Dinner at Mom's - Sometimes it's on a Tues. sometimes on a Wed. but with few exception I usually get to enjoy dinner at my mom's each week. This 'tradition' of sorts started years ago when she first got a computer and needed some basic tips. I'd come over and after dinner give her a pc lesson, it was great. These days there's not many computer lessons but still a checklist of things for us to do after dinner, and I hope there always will be.
6. Girls Cottage Weekend - Pappineau Lake was the location of an exciting girls-weekend at the family cottage of Becky Lee and Susan Edwards. Invited to join them were Jodi, Gail, Patti, Shanny, Julie and yours truly as "Jack". Timmi was also on board and despite car problems on route, it was an amazing weekend and I can't wait until we do it again in 2011.
5. Engagement Announcement - OK I expected some interest when Rob and I announced we were engaged on his birthday Mar. 5th. What we failed to anticipate is just how many people wanted to attend the big day. Both

4. I was actually dreading my 50th birthday on Oct 2nd but it turned out to be quite the day indeed. A Sat. afternoon visit to a local club turned into Party Central as I was followed around the bar by an interesting character to the enjoyment of my friends Becky, Susan and Gail, who had taken me there. This was part of my 3 day birthday celebration, which also included a surprise from the girls at work and a family birthday party at my mom's. Not bad for something I had dread.
3. I originally hadn't planned a hiatus from scribbles this Spring, but when my then web program provider messed up my site I got very hot and needed a break. During that time I discovered the Blogger site and instantly took to it. So number three this year is the new scribbles web site you are at right now.
2. Everlasting Pain -It's not something I enjoy but I certainly can't ignore ...my continuing chronic pain in my neck and back. If you're lucky enough to have an old hard copy scribbles magazine around, you could probably check and see neck and back pain on lists way back then too. I've had in for years and we just keep trying new things to relieve it. For better or worse my miserable old neck is still on the hit list.

1-Visiting Renfrew -There were so many reason to enjoy this years visit to Renfrew. It was my first time driving there and back, it was Rob's first visit and it was the first time I'd been in the Valley in some time. What a great week we had! Visiting with relatives, showing Rob my hometown and other Renfrew favourites. Crazy fun with Jeanne, Megan and Peter -like hot tub night- LOL. YEP #1 in my book, #1
posted JAN 2011
It's 1:30 am, I am sleeping, the fire alarm sounds. I wake up. "F**k, not again" I cry out. Not another fire in my apartment building, didn't we just do that a few years ago? (Yes we did and yes it was)
But as I had suspected as I threw on some pants and shoes and prepared for another abrupt exit from the big brick building I've called home for over 12 years now, this is no drill and the danger is very real. A corner unit on the 2nd floor is engulfed in flames. We would late find out, 4 people were rescued from the unit, including 2 from the bedroom window by firefighter's ladder. Careless smoking is the suspected cause. One person would be hospitalized for several days to follow.
Huddled together in Rob's big car until 5:30am were Rob, myself, my sister Jane, her partner Ken, my nephew Graham and my cat J.R. (Absent were Timmi -who fortunately was at Nana's and missed the whole thing and Alysha who was tucked safely under the bed and wouldn't come out). There were several city buses for tenants to stay warm and dry.

The fire was brought under control quickly but the damage from smoke was severe. Every tenant on the entire 2nd floor are not allowed in their apartments until further notice. There are official notices posted all over the place and 24/7 security on the floor. I'm one floor above the action So it came very close.Imagine how that would feel. one minute in your apt., the next you're out. WOW that could be ME right now!
We often hear how even in the most trying of times, people come together. I saw it that night - when I was instructing my neighbour one floor below me that the fire was on her floor and to place wet towel at the door and return to the balcony. I saw it when a tenant pulled up with his Caravan and offered people a warm place to sit. I saw it at 5:30 in the morning when someone who had been waiting in their car knocked on the window to tell us we could go back inside now. Neighbours banding together at time of crisis.
Never fun at the best of times and even a bit more unnerving for me right now with the med change going on. I've had a few dreams with fire in them now and then. That's a dream I hope doesn't come true again for a very long time.
This just in...
I was happy to read notices when I got home tonight that 2nd floor residents could return home. All units except the fire unit and the unit above it are inhabitable again. That was a week out of their homes, just for living on the same floor as the fire. Actually given the degree of work that had to be orchestrated, they returned rather quickly. Although I'm certain for the 2nd floor residents it was more than long enough.
Another New Furry Face
OK, maybe we did mention Rover before, who cares, he's too cute not to mention again and fits in perfect with all the great pet photos scribbles is featuring this week.
Seen here, Ethan MacParland of Renfrew poses with his little furrball friend Rover. Since kids and kittens grow so fast, we'll kept you up to date with new pix of both.
Another Frightening Fire at my Apartment Building
But as I had suspected as I threw on some pants and shoes and prepared for another abrupt exit from the big brick building I've called home for over 12 years now, this is no drill and the danger is very real. A corner unit on the 2nd floor is engulfed in flames. We would late find out, 4 people were rescued from the unit, including 2 from the bedroom window by firefighter's ladder. Careless smoking is the suspected cause. One person would be hospitalized for several days to follow.
Huddled together in Rob's big car until 5:30am were Rob, myself, my sister Jane, her partner Ken, my nephew Graham and my cat J.R. (Absent were Timmi -who fortunately was at Nana's and missed the whole thing and Alysha who was tucked safely under the bed and wouldn't come out). There were several city buses for tenants to stay warm and dry.

The fire was brought under control quickly but the damage from smoke was severe. Every tenant on the entire 2nd floor are not allowed in their apartments until further notice. There are official notices posted all over the place and 24/7 security on the floor. I'm one floor above the action So it came very close.Imagine how that would feel. one minute in your apt., the next you're out. WOW that could be ME right now!
We often hear how even in the most trying of times, people come together. I saw it that night - when I was instructing my neighbour one floor below me that the fire was on her floor and to place wet towel at the door and return to the balcony. I saw it when a tenant pulled up with his Caravan and offered people a warm place to sit. I saw it at 5:30 in the morning when someone who had been waiting in their car knocked on the window to tell us we could go back inside now. Neighbours banding together at time of crisis.
Never fun at the best of times and even a bit more unnerving for me right now with the med change going on. I've had a few dreams with fire in them now and then. That's a dream I hope doesn't come true again for a very long time.
This just in...
I was happy to read notices when I got home tonight that 2nd floor residents could return home. All units except the fire unit and the unit above it are inhabitable again. That was a week out of their homes, just for living on the same floor as the fire. Actually given the degree of work that had to be orchestrated, they returned rather quickly. Although I'm certain for the 2nd floor residents it was more than long enough.
Another New Furry Face
OK, maybe we did mention Rover before, who cares, he's too cute not to mention again and fits in perfect with all the great pet photos scribbles is featuring this week.
Seen here, Ethan MacParland of Renfrew poses with his little furrball friend Rover. Since kids and kittens grow so fast, we'll kept you up to date with new pix of both.
Jersey's Snow Day
Here's more pix of Jersey, Sami Basnett's terrier poodle, as she braves the elements on these cold January days. BRRRRRR....bundle up baby girl, does mommy give you a treat when you're back inside all cozy and warm?