I Remember Meeting Jack!
With all the buzz about our recent Canadian election, it reminds me of the time I shook hands with Jack Layton. It was Pride 2004 (WOW-THAT long ago!) Jack Layton had just completed an appearance and was about to walk to his next venue. Our pal Jackie Hughes took the photo above mere moments before Mr. Layton approached and shook my hand before moving onward. He shook Jackie's hand too. It was sooooooo exciting.
Below, here's me again, earlier in the day, posing in front of a candidates office. Giddy as a school girl, I was! LOL
Congratulations Jack
You'll make a great opposition leader!
Colour me surprised when I recently received a facebook greeting from our old pal Frank. As our "veteran" readers will recall, Frank was a very popular subject in the early 80's when we were known as Sunny Digest -a single copy, hand-drawn magazine.
Since everyone loved Frank's company, we featured articles like the "Why I Like Frank contest" and exclusive "Secrets of Frank" (like what kind of pop he drank, his favourite song and other riveting must-know facts- LMAO).
Frank's facebook pix reveals a different look today. The "wavy black hair" and "cute mustache" may be gone, but there's no mistaking that "nice smile" and those slightly hidden "twinkly eyes" (all traits that my little sister Jane said she liked about Frank in 1981 -she was 11 at the time)
These days, Frank's into power lifting and in his facebook album there is a pix of him lifting huge amounts of weight -like what you'd see on some TV competition! Amazing!
Frank, it was a great surprise to receive your message: "You got your smile from me". Indeed I did old friend and it was just too special not to share with our scribbles friends, MANY of whom you know. See...now they're smiling too!

What the Hell?
Fans of American Idol were shocked to see Casey Abrahams leave the show this week. I had pegged him as this year's winner, but then again this IS American Idol we're talking about here. Although the show has got it right a few times over its 10 year run (think Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood), for the most part, the real talent often gets cut from the competition.
Casey Abrahams joins an elite group - Amazing artists who got their break on Idol, but didn't "win". Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry. Huge successes despite not taking home the big prize. And now it's Casey Abrahams turn.
Good luck Casey - you were my Idol this season.
Good luck Casey - you were my Idol this season.

Hang on Tight

100 -120 km per hour winds caused major damage in Niagara Thursday.
One man died after a steel barn door hit him.

Complete details courtesy The St Catharines Standard
click here

Good on Ya Mate!

Our pal Kieran Farragher lives in the UK, so he had a bird's eye view of all the Royal Wedding celebrations.
He sent us this amusing one:
Here's a facebook "thing" going around in the UK. Thought you might find amusing !!
What's your royal wedding guest name?
Start with either 'Lord' or 'Lady'.
Followed by a grandparents first name,
then your royal surname is your first pets name,
double barrelled with the street you grew up in.
...Lord Eddie Ashton-Homesdale
... Lord Ivan Bobtail-Rebecca
...Lord William Pee Wee-Margaret
...Lady Rose Peter-Rebecca
What's yours?
Email scribbles and we'll add it here : )
...Lord William Pee Wee-Margaret
...Lady Rose Peter-Rebecca
...Lady Mae Linda-Ryan
What's yours?
Email scribbles and we'll add it here : )
The Queen is not amused but we sure are!
I can't take credit for this one- it's too flawless.
Angela Whiteley as the Queen- Brilliantly done!
Vote Shae
Our friend Shae D. Davidson has been nominated for Best Drag King of the Year and he could use your help. To vote for Shae, simply click on the link below to cast your votes in the Red Carpet Gala Night poll. In the category of Best Drag King, our amazingly talented friend is listed as "Shae Davidson".
Seventeen scribbles pals found our hidden Easter Egg (located in the left sidebar- in the TV link for Family Guy- it's still there for a while) Only one entry could win our prizes.
Congratulations to Laura Degraaf, her name was selected in our random draw and she will receive a plush bunny and $15 Tim Horton's Gift Card. Laura was excited to hear she had won our draw, this is her FIRST TIME winning a scribbles contest! That's AWESOME Laura.
Strike the Pose
My nephew Graham poses for his mommy after returning from First Choice Haircutters sporting his new "do". Uncle Ken says you look Fab!
And my new favourite just has to be Graham sitting at the table before we sat down and pigged out.
Yummy for My Tummy,
Thanks to My Mommy!
Thanks to My Mommy!
Above we have a photo taken Easter Sunday at my mom's place. It's not unusual for mom and I to be sitting at this table together. We have weekly visits generally Wed. or Tues. after I'm done work.
The tradition started over a decade ago when mom first got a computer and needed some lessons. I'd come over -we'd do dinner and then a computer lesson. There's no computer lessons these days, but usually a checklist of things for us to do....and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Thanks for the weekly dinner and "together" time mom. I appreciate it.
Timid Timmi
Walks on Eggshells
These Easter Eggs made my dog Timmi nervous when I posed him with them. He is quite a timid animal, afraid of his own shadow, a piece of paper, a tissue, you name it. Yes he is a coward, except when he sees other dogs -then he barks and acts up. A most peculiar pet I must say. Good thing he's got looks. LOL
Time to Say Good Night
Andrea Bocelli Sings to Elmo
I just LOVE this clip from Sesame Street featuring Andrea Bocelli singing Elmo to sleep.
From the Album
"Fav Pic I Took"
by Richard Hunt
Fort Erie, ON
photo courtesy Donavans Digital Designs
Black Speaks Back
I'm not certain what type of pageantry caused her to write it, but Shada Black's recent facebook posting was so thought-provoking, I asked if I could use it in scribbles.

Well said Shada. If only I knew more....LOL!
Remembering Lance "The Best Cat in the World"
Our deepest sympathy to Joanne Bonadies, our scribbles pal who lives in New Jersey with her fiance Kent. Joanne's beloved cat Lance recently passed away. He was Jojo's "first" and "best" cat.
Joanne told us "thank you all for your words and sympathy. It's been tough...Lance followed me everywhere, greeted me at the door when I came home, and when I'd call him...he'd come even if he was sleeping. He was so special and I miss him terribly".
Jojo you know my heart goes out to you -been there, done that and know exactly what you are going through. Sadly, there are more than a few of our readers who can also relate. And collectively I'm sure they too send their sympathy and positive energy.
A few months ago, we reported that my nephew Patrick's pet "skinny pig" (hairless guinee pig) Excalabor had passed away. He had lived life with his brother Chocolate, who was my niece Erin's pet. Sadly, within a short period of time, Chocolate has now died also. Maybe he missed his brother and wanted to be with him again. Now they are in skinny pig heaven where the baby carrots and fresh bell peppers are aplenty and the cage is absolutely huge.
"I am sorry your beloved pets have passed away recently Erin and Patrick. I hope you remember the fun times you had with them and know that you were good "parents" to them both."
-Love Uncle Ken
Body and Soul
with Angela's Breathing Canvas
Angela Whiteley-O'Neill is so damn creative. Her recent Oscar Party was almost like being in Hollywood. At Halloween, her guises are always in demand and now her latest passion has really taken shape (or should that be shapes?) "Angela's Breathing Canvas" takes body art to a whole new level with her unique colourful designs.
Pictured here are Angela's "model" daughter (in green) and the artist herself -tell me that's not tricky -using your own body as your canvas. Guess those yoga moves come in handy eh Ang?
To see more, visit Angela's Breathing Canvas here (you must be registered on facebook to view). And remember to click the LIKE button while you're there.
and behind the colourful faces below we find a delighted Angela
at her recent Surprise Birthday Party! NICE SHOT!

Top Dog
by Becky Lee
St Catharines, ON
Becky's awesome photo of her french Bulldog won her first prize in last year's Reader's Photo Contest. Who will be our winner this year? We'll find out soon. This year's contest begins on May 1st.
Big Man on Campus
Congratulations to Rob's nephew Deryk who graduates from grade 8 this year and off to High School in the Fall. Way to go Deryk!