I pity da fool
that don't like Kade's new "do"
Kade Denis [above] sports a mohawk thanks to his mom Heather. She says Kade was very excited and in a while she might just shave it off and let his hair grow back before it is time to go to school in the Fall.
On the other hand, she could just leave it as it is and let her son go to school as Mr K. LOL! His tough guy look is cute Heather, just hope he doesn't get a big ego like Mr T.
click on pix for larger version
Lovin' Every Minute of It
When I saw this pix on facebook of our pal Rich Hunt a few thoughts came to mind. 1. The colours are spectacular and it's a photo worth blowing up and framing and 2. He obviously doesn't suffer from chronic back pain like I do (and yes, I'll admit, I'm jealous!)
Awesome pix Rich. glad to see you are taking full advantage of our tropical Summer weather and doing one of the things you love the most.
Rich's other passion is singing and you can hear his music by clicking here.
A Terrible Twosome
By Matthew Hoffman, MD from WebMD
If you have chronic pain and depression, you've got plenty of company. That’s because chronic pain and depression are common problems that often overlap.
Depression is one of the most common psychological issues facing people who suffer from chronic pain, and it often complicates the patient's conditions and treatment.
I Hope She Washed Her Hands Afterwards
My cousin Megan Fox posted this pix on her facebook wall with the caption "Cannot believe I did this...eeeeek!"
Actually I'm a bit surprised she'd react that way, considering two of the pets at the Ottawa home she shares with her BF Andy are a dragon lizard and a snake. But I guess even exotic pet owners have their limits and when it comes to marvelous Megan, big fuzzy spiders are where she draws the line.
Surmise to say, this creepy fellow didn't join Megan and Andy's pet collection.
Meet Alpha the Betta...OOPS...
...Say Goodbye to Alpha the Betta
At my place of employment, Talk Wireless Inc., there is a very low turnover when it comes to staff. Some of the team have been with the company since it first opened its doors over a decade ago and others have been there for many, many years.
A few days ago, our pal Pam Hopkins [inset] introduced her facebook pals to the latest addition to Talk Wireless, Alpha the Betta (Siamese fighting fish). She joked that he didn't talk back, need his own company credit card or even get a pay cheque. Sounds like the ideal employee.
Two days later Pam posted a R.I.P. to Alpha, who was found floating in his bowl when she got to work. He was given a fitting farewell, flushed away to the big fish tank in the sky via toilet.
I guess working for fish flakes just wasn't much of an incentive to hang around. Perhaps it would be best to stick to the Telus plush critters instead of live fish. R.I.P. Alpha, sorry I didn't get to meet you :)
If you're not familiar with the game Angry Birds, you just may have been marooned on a desert island for the past year or two. The ubber-popular game is a smash hit available as a smartphone or tablet App.
You no longer need a fancy phone or ipad to get in on the fun. Angry Birds is now available to play on your computer (Windows, Mac and Linux OS).
You will need to download Google Chrome -a new internet browser -and you must have a Google email account (such as G Mail.) It's easy to set that up -just be sure to read the terms and uncheck the box asking if you want Google Chrome as your primary internet browser (unless of course you do.)
Once you have that out of the way, you are only one more download away from enjoying Angry Birds on your PC. It's every bit as fun as the smartphone and tablet App version and even features levels exclusive to the computer edition. Other exciting games are also available to download.
I'm not much of a "gamer" (heck my Nintendo system is the original version, which came out two decades ago) but Angry Birds is so exciting, even I find it appealing. It's loads of fun for everyone, age 5 to 105.
To download Google Chrome and then Angry Birds click here.
"Little Man" Keeps His Cool
With my pal Becky enjoying a few weeks at her cottage, I have the pleasure of checking in on her home while she is away. My duties include gathering up the mail, feeding the fish in the koi pond and watering the plants. And I've had plenty of assistants, including Rob, Timmi and on many visits, my nephew Graham [above].
While he enjoys helping toss food into the pond for the fishies, the main attraction for my "Little Man" Graham is the sprinkler and hose.
As you will see in the short video clip below, the plants aren't the only things that get a good soaking and with the weather being hot and humid, who can blame Graham for wanting to splash around a bit.
Keeping Cool...
Andrew MacNeil [cleverly guised above] and his dad Doug have just returned to St Catharines, after enjoying 10 days in the East Coast.
Hope you had an awesome time...what am I saying? You were out East, how could you possibly NOT have a good time?
encore feature
Tips to Beat the Heat
Don't let the hot and humid weather get you down. Simply follow these very basic tips and you'll be as cool as the cucumbers we featured in the article above.
• stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water or fresh fruit juice -avoid alcohol as a source of hydration.
• stay out of the sun (especially midday)
• eat plenty of fresh fruit and veggies
• wear sunscreen products when outdoors
• go to air conditioned places like malls or community centres
• wear loose fitting clothing and a floppy hat
• reduce strenuous outdoor activity, especially between 11 am and 4 pm
• never leave the elderly, children or pets unattended in a car
Officially, Erin's big day is Aug 1st and she is preparing to celebrate in style. She's invited 4 girl friends to join her at the Papple's family cottage in Turkey Point for a long weekend of birthday fun - where they will be chaperoned by Erin's parents Kim and Don and little brother Patrick.
Meanwhile back in St Catharines, Erin was joined by all our family at home to celebrate a week early. With the swimming pool temperature a balmy 85 degrees, enjoying a refreshing dip was as much of an attraction as the birthday girl herself.
Erin, Uncle Ken is still shocked that you are 16 now and so proud of the beautiful teen girl you have become.
Have an awesome time with your friends...hope your mom can find a menu that accomodates everyone (including the vegeterian and the glutton-free gal.)
Erin's 16th Birthday
photos courtesy Bob Miller and scribbles
Brush with Fame:
Josh Groban Concert Review
by Kerri Thomson-Fortier
On July 18 my friend Kelly and I were driven to Air Canada Centre in Toronto, to see Josh Groban, via limo driven by her husband Buxton. We were lucky he had no other runs that night and the limo was for our pleasure. And pleasure it was....nice not having to fight traffic...sit back and relax with a glass of wine.
This was our second time seeing Josh and won't be our last. He is amazing live...you would think you were listening to the CD. When we were seated on the end of the isle in the middle of the floor...we looked to our left and about 10 feet away was a mini stage...oh yeah...Josh played his first couple of songs on that stage.
I was so busy taking his picture that when he ran past me to go to the main stage I didn't get to touch him. However, that changed because later in the show he ran back down the isle to go back on the mini stage and when he got right to me he high-fived me...and yes I have since washed that hand.
click pix to view larger version.
Great Job!
Timmi's Trail
Mini Video Clip
Here's a short clip of a special place Timmi and I like to go for "walkies". What makes it even more special is where it's located. Find out where by watching this clip.