That's a new Scribbles record and I'll show my age by quoting Sally Fields when she won her Oscar Award in 1985, by saying, "You like me, you really like me.'
Granted, it had been a few months since we had added a lot of new content all at one time, and we did feature two full webpages of your Summer adventures, two things that definitely account for the larger than usual response.
Whatever it is, we hope to continue that trend this week with PART TWO of All About Your Summer. There's plenty more adventures that your fellow Scribbles pals were up to and our second installment tells you all about them.

I won't carve anything in stone, but I'd like to publish blocks of new posts on a weekly basis, it's a format that seems to work for me right now and gives you something new to look forward to each week. We'll see how things go -sometimes pain management and doctor appointments take top billing in my day-to-day life, leaving less time for my favourite creative outlet.
A great big thank you once again, for your the tremendous response to last week's relaunch. As you've probably guessed by now, it takes a great deal of time and thought putting Scribbles together.
Something that may take you only a few minutes to read, view and enjoy, might actually have taken me many late hours to put together. Knowing that so many of you are stopping by to check it all out, makes every second of my efforts worth it.
'Till next week.
Ken Leavoy