I moved to St. Patrick St. in St. Catharines around June 1st, yet it would not be until 2 1/2 months later before I would feel comfortable enough to hang out in the backyard or basement where laundry facilities and my storage room are located.
The reason for my awkwardness? The lady who lived on the main floor of this two unit house was....well....kinda odd.
We spoke only once, a few days after I had first moved in. I was inquiring as to where to put my trash at which time she made sure to point out that the recycle bins were for her use only and if I wanted to be in the yard, I was relegated to a far off corner.
She went out of her way to avoid all contact with me, like the day I was heading out and she was coming home, but stayed in her car until after Timmi & I were in my car and driving away, or ducking behind the building when she saw me coming up the driveway to my entrance door, strange shit like that.
It was therefore a pleasure to discover that come mid August, this lady would be moving out of the house and the country for that matter (but not without first digging up shrubs and flowers she had planted and taking her recycle bins -none of which she would be able to take overseas with her, but hey, better to give them to someone else than leave them here for other tenants to use.)
Despite her demeanor, I still put a "Best of Luck" card in her mailbox, the day before she left.
What sweetened the deal even more was that I already know the girl who would soon be moving in. I met Deanna Gilligan a year or more ago through other friends and from some private chats on facebook. We share a lot of interests and traits and there would be no more "This is MINE" and "That is YOURS" when it came to stuff like the yard or the new recycling blue box I recently bought.

Deanna has lots of stuff, so it took a while to get it all in here. The next door neighbour is like a drill sergeant when it comes to anyone in this house using HIS god damn driveway [something he holds legal rights to, with an section saying we can use it for loading/unloading purposes only] I can imagine he had lots to gawk at while Deanna and her daughter's stuff continued to be brought in to the house. LMAO.
Joining Deanna and her daughter Meghan in the main floor unit are 8 year old Shepherd/Husky mix Dakota [beautiful and friendly] and her daughter's 8 month old shitzu Cocoa, described as being "Bratty" by Deanna. They also have a female "rescue cat" named Vashta.
So between Deanna and myself, we've got both floors covered when it comes to its dog and cat quota...LOL!
When I went on to Deanna's facebook page to check out some pix for this piece, I kept seeing photos of her at events I had attended. One was a wedding, where not only were we both there, but she sat in the same row as Rob & I, separated only by the aisle in the middle. I knew Deanna knew a few of the same people as I do, but it wasn't until I saw so many familiar faces amongst her pix that I realized just how many friends we have in common.
This new living arrangement just keeps looking brighter every day and I couldn't be happier.
Welcome Deanna & Meghan and all your four-legged roommates.