My cousin Jeanne Prince who lives in Renfrew, recently turned 60 and her family and friends gathered on Aug. 15 to celebrate the event with a big surprise party.
My life long buddy Doug offered to drive to Renfrew and back in order that we could also join in the fun. Accommodations were taken care of by my cousin Cathy (Jeanne's sister) who was one of the many party coordinators. Cathy & her husband Ernie have two trailers at a campground on Mink Lake, so Doug and I stayed in one trailer and Cathy & Ernie stayed in the other one,
We will be putting together a video of the event, featuring lots of photos and video clips, but while we wait for that, here is a short clip of Jeanne discovering that Doug and I were among her 60 party guests... IT'S HILARIOUS!!