Follow along (if you wish) to see how it all came together...
The idea of using Small Faces 1969 psychedelic hit Itchycoo Park as the subject for a video began last summer after watching the season finale of The Handmaid's Tale. The suspense filled episode featured Itchycoo Park played in its entirety, while a handmaid prepares to serve her new master. It had been a long time since I heard the song and after Handsmaid's Tale was over, I played it repeatedly on You Tube. I also started envisioning bringing new life to the tune in a crazy Scribbles video.
The footage of me laying in the grass, carefree, with large, colourful flowers and carrying on in wild wigs was shot last July, with the intent to edit it into a Scribbles video shortly afterwards.
But that was not to be. Shortly after I transferred all the footage to my laptop, it crashed & died and I had not yet backed up the footage to my external hard drive. As if having to replace my laptop wasn't bad enough, I had also lost all the video footage I worked so hard on. The project would be scrubbed...or would it?
Several weeks later while checking how much memory I had left on my iPhone, I noticed that one of the movie making apps was taking up a lot of memory. Why would an app need that many gigs? Then I remembered. When I had shot the footage of me lip syncing Itchycoo Park last July, I transferred it on to this movie maker app, in order to give it a few special effects. A copy of that enhanced video was still on the movie app. I was thrilled and the project was back on the table...or was it?

Feeling healthier and happier, in January I once again decided to give this project a go. I recorded the additional winter scenes one snowy day and looked for more old photos and video clips to use in All Too Beautiful.
It actually didn't take a ton of time to edit everything together. After all, I had been thinking of what I wanted to do on this video for over 8 months.
And there you have it. It was all too complex but in the end became all too beautiful.