Call it a Tradition
Every year it gets a bit trickier to put together contests for Scribbles, not because we've run out of contest ideas, far from it. But you can't expect many people to enter a contest if you don't have some type of prize to offer them. Be that as it may, Scribbles Annual Costume Contest is one time we go out of our way to find something "scary" to offer which is usually accompanied by some type of gift card.

The video above reveals this year's winner, along with the runners up and takes one last look at all of this year's creative and oh-so-cool entries, who would all get prizes if I won a lottery!
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos this year and to those who took the time to vote for their favourite.
Our next contest is only weeks away and another Scribbles staple. Yes, Jane and our other longtime Scribbles friends, "Find Frosty Contest" is returning. Find Frosty debuted in the early 80's in our Sunny Digest days and was featured annually in Scribbles Magazines. It has appeared on our website as well.
When it debuted, the prize for finding the tiny snowman we had hidden somewhere amongst our pages, was about 25 cents. I can personally assure you this year's prize value is worth 4 times that amount...LOL!
This year's contest winner has asked that we hang on to DVD movies. We have a few other prizes also on hand and in 2015 we should have a great contest and offer all these goodies as prizes!