Nov 19, 2014

ME | "Winner/Gagnant"

Life's funny sometimes ..... I went to get a few groceries today, carefully sticking to the list I had streamlined to include only the things I need NOW as opposed to those that can wait until the end of the month when I will have a little more to spend for such luxuries.

As I was leaving the store, I remembered I had a 649 ticket from a few weeks ago which I had not checked yet.

I was all prepared to see the words "this is not a winning ticket" or be teased by the ticket scanning device saying "Winner/gagnant" only to discover I won a free ticket or $5 but instead WAS THRILLED to see I won $89.60. 

WOO HOO! I was so excited!

Can't plan to travel the world or buy a new house, but I will be going back for those brand name Cheerios a bit sooner than first thought!