The Real Reason Scribbles Exists
Yes, Scribbles consists of stories and photos "about you" and is created "for you" but it is what YOU give back to ME that is the purest part of all. This weekend I surprised more friends by featuring their latest adventures on Scribbles website. I admit I "creeped" through facebook to find out their stories and then took it one step further by headlining them in Scribbles.
"You are the greatest." "You made my day." "The story about me made me laugh." "I was so surprised to see my photo on Scribbles" These are just a few of the comments I hear fairly often, after I've put together another cool article "all about you".
I cannot really express just how special that is to me. It fills me with a joy and sense of well-being unlike anything else can. It can brighten the darkest day and makes me smile, even on those days my body is riddled with pain. Knowing my efforts have somehow touched you and made you happy is truly the greatest gift of all. And THAT my dear friends is the real reason I keep doing Scribbles.
As the song says "the love that you give is equal to the love you get" and Scribbles is living proof of just how true that is.