Mar 10, 2015

| ART | Everything is Awesome

Although there's no shortage of Lego kits that come with unique parts and instructions to build a specific building or vehicle, you can't beat the one-of a-kind original creations that kids often make.

Let's take for example the two Lego creations we see above. Graham Clark put together the Lego Cruiseship and "Police Station with Bad Guy Radar Tower" without instructions or photos to guide him along,  Graham made his Lego things the "old school" way, using his imagination.

Need more proof that 9 year old Graham's got talent?  Check out his platypus habitat and awesome snowglobe, two art pieces he created at school late last year.  The attention to detail and use of multi-media is amazing.

Great creations Graham. Uncle Ken is very proud of you!

Graham Clark is my nephew. his mom is my little sister Jane Storie (yep, the same Jane Storie who was our very first Scribbles her son is creating Lego ships and Bad Guy Radar Towers and asking if Uncle Kenny could put pix of them on Scribbles website. How cool is that??