If you were a friend or admirer of JJ, we hope you enjoy our new video of this most memorable crazy kitty cat doing what he did best....loving life.
Fri. Mar. 27 | 15
For Hardcore JJ Fans
It was exactly two weeks ago that we said goodbye to my buddy JJ, after he got deathly ill from an undetermined cause.
Fine one day and gone the next, is something I am still finding difficult to come to grips with. That and how young he was. Sometimes the pain creeps up on me. Like a great big wave. Reminding me of those many special moments JJ and I shared and making me feel like in a way, a little piece of me died when he did.
It also makes me wonder if perhaps I've not become a bit too reclusive. In one of my video clips I'm jokingly "marrying" JJ, a Cheerio as the wedding ring. Nothing too unusual about that. LOL!
Timmi is loving all the added attention he is getting these days, As are the many feral cats who roam the block. Yesterday I had a little "cat chat" with a pair of black kitties, who were hanging out in the next door neighbour's yard. I gave them a treat as a thank you for having humoured me.
In case you missed it, or would like to check it out again, here again is our original "The Best of JJ" Scribbles Video.