The People Have Spoken
We recently offered readers a chance to tell us what they like and dislike about our website in our Scribbles Survey.
We asked, you spoke and we listened.
Our most popular features were of little surprise....All About You, Photos, Scribbles Videos and our Precious Pets were what most readers said they really loved the most and would like to see even more of.
The unanimous answer to our question of what you read the least or not at all was our Events section. We get that. After all, most of the events we included in our listings section were those happening in the Niagara region and - last time we checked - not everyone reading Scribbles lives in this area. So reading about events that are nowhere near where you actually live would be of little interest.
With that in mind, our Events listings have now been replaced with an Events Directory. Here you will find a list of cities - places where many readers live - and by clicking on the link, you will be taken to a website that features events specific to each area. So whether you're in Niagara, Toronto, Ottawa or Nova Scotia, you should be able to easily find events for you to consider.
We were also told that our Support section was rarely read and as such, we have revamped that areas as well. You will now find a Support Directory which is a link list to support services that may be of interest to you or a loved one.
The new Events and Support Directories can be find near the end of our right sidebar section. The major portion of our sidebar will now be devoted to archived Scribbles Videos and popular past posts. What better way to revisit your favourite Scribbles features.
We discovered that most of you only read Scribbles when you receive an email notice telling you there is something new to check out. But there are also a great group of you who come to Scribbles every single day (and we must say, we kinda love you a little more for that....LOL)
We asked if you were interested in Scribbles swag such as T-shirts, Baseball caps and Collector's buttons. While some of you admitted you wouldn't buy these items, some of you did and in one case price was no object,. with top price of $1000 offered for each...WOW!
Returning soon will be our Scribbles Spotlight, in which each week a different reader will be saluted. This has always been a blast when we featured it in the past and we are excited to relaunch it soon.
The winner in our random draw is STEVE SAUDER. Congratulations Steve, you will win your choice of a $15 Tim Horton's or Walmart Gift Card.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey. We want Scribbles to be everything you want it to be and your responses will help us do just that.