Oct 20, 2013

In Memoriam

JJ looks up at the memoriam I have created for J.R. - Oct 22, 2013

One Year Later: Remembering J.R.

It's hard to believe, but it will be one year on Oct. 24th that I said goodbye to my beloved cat J.R.

Almost 2 months ago, I adopted a new kitten, JJ, who reminds me very much of J.R. when he was little. I have bonded with JJ and love the cute little guy and his mischievous antics, but he will never replace J.R.

Anyone who has loved a pet knows that they are very much like people, each has their very own distinctive personality. When we say goodbye to a pet, we can eventually make room in our heart and home for a new furry friend, but that doesn't mean we have replaced or forgotten them. 

Even as I type this, little JJ is nestled on my desk between my chest and my laptop, almost as if to know I am writing about him and his "big brother". He is certainly quite the wee character.

But for this moment, I would like to say hello to J.R. up in pet heaven and let him know daddy has not forgotten him and I never will.

CLICK HERE if you would like to revisit our J.R. Memorial Page.