Spectacularly Speckless
It's been a while since we've seen Laura DeGraaf in Scribbles (or in person), but thanks to the over 500 photos on facebook, we can always find out what she's been up to.
When I met Laura, she wore glasses, but now our recently engaged friend has 20/15 vision, thanks to lazor surgery.
Above, Laura is seen sporting some rather funky eyewear and blowing bubbles.....no, those were not the glasses Laura used to wear, they're actually novelty glasses worn at a friend's wedding reception. In the larger pix, Laura poses with her BFF Christine Mantej (my "Angel" from Talk Wireless) in a photo so full of beautiful girls, it almost makes me want to "switch teams". LOL.
I miss you both very much and it is great to see those big smiles again.