Oct 10, 2014

ME | One Last Log on the Fire

A big thank you to my pals Doug & Heather for their hospitality. Timmi, JJ and I spent several sun & cloud filled days & campfire lit nights at the couple's trailer at N.E.T. Campground in Vineland,

I took lots of pix, walks with Timmi and time relaxing around the fire. Also had a party night when I finally met Heather's friend Julie (who was a blast and really made me laugh)

N.E.T. officially closes for the season on Thanksgiving weekend, meaning this past week's visit was my "kids" and I's last until next year.

Here's an eerie night shot of Indian Lake, which runs thru the campground, I used Photoshop to create the watercolor effect. (You can enjoy a fullscreen version of this pix by clicking on the image)