by Kevin Spiece
Well...I set up a new expand my comfort zone and gain a little confidence...[So here's to three of my friends, for your encouragement]
To my first friend....I broke the chopsticks ....
You challenged me to not be so uptight and worried about embarrassing myself.
Half the fun of our dinner was getting the food AAAAALLLLLLMMMMOOOOOSSSSTTTT to your mouth then dropping it, and cheering it when we got a bite.
But also it shows that I am not the center of the world. Half the time, no one noticed what I dropped or what I ate...we were all just doing our own thing, making our own way..none of us really was more important that we'd stop and watch them. Really a confidence boost in knowing not everyone is out to laugh and point out our mistakes...

All this time I wholly dismissed sports as "not my thing". A whole new world is open now if I accompany people and bond over a sporting event. A large portion of the experience was seeing my friend able to share one of his great passions with me......MAYBE golf is next???

And the amazing friend who challenged me to "think of yourself for a change"..............I got new garbage bags that fit !!!
It sounds stupid, and basicly it is. After all this time of shopping and easily blowing $150-$200. on little trinkets to take into work for people...hoping somehow to make them like me..It took me almost an hour to spend $10. on ONLY myself.. No candy (to share) little tiara for Ava...(or Irene) post-its or pens for the desk....ONLY ME......then take $5. to Tim Hortons and use MY computer MY OWN sharing, no first....This was the hardest challenge....
Until I get off in the woods on Wednesday........ but I'll most likely have little sweaters knitted for the raccoons by Saturday !!!!!