Oct 23, 2014

EDITORIAL | Forever Changed


This photo was taken about 9 years ago when I was visiting Ottawa with a friend. It is in the same place where a young soldier -proudly standing guard by the memorial statue- was gunned down today, later dying of his injuries.

It is part of a series of events currently in progress in our country's capital. It happens only days after a soldier was killed in Quebec and I wonder if this is the start of some well planned "thing" that has been unleashed on our virtuous country or just an eerie coincidence.

I am looking at live coverage on both my TV and laptop right now. Split screen images that I would expect to be seeing from somewhere in the States or abroad, not from a location I, like many of you, have visited.

A place where people have gone to pay tribute to those who have protected us. A place of innocence, as evident in my photo above where an unidentified little girl sits peacefully on the statue.

Whether this turns out to be related to terrorism or the acts of one very sick individual, we will find out soon enough.  What we do know with all certainty is a young soldier has died, in an extremely shocking circumstance.

Canada's place of innocence has forever been changed.