WARNING: This video is not suitable for young children or sensitive viewers -GRAPHIC IMAGES

The Haunted House Transformation
Ok, If you've just finished watching The Haunted House video, you had got know a lot of work went in to scaring the crap out of people.
Angela Whiteley spoke with Scribbles about how her and husband Glyn's quaint home became a place of sheer terror.
"We spent a month and a half transforming [our home] into a full on Haunted House, that we opened up to the public this past weekend.
We had over 300 people come through over the two nights, which was awesome since we're a bit off the beaten path and the only advertising we did was through here, word of mouth and a couple posters up on the local grocery stores.
[At the] beginning where the people walked through the blacklight entrance after being greeted by Dracula, they then entered the bathroom where something very bad had happened and the killer was still there hiding in the shower - oh how they screamed when he jumped out at them !
We even built 3 walls to install so we could section our living space more to create 2 hallways and separate the kitchen/dining area! At the end of the first dark hallway, we had a large old picture frame with my clown face painting pic... As the people walked in front of it, it quickly dropped down into the wall making a huge BANG and a person with a scary mask roared at at them.
Glyn also installed 2 air cannons that spurted on people's heads as they went through the blackened out hallway ( I call it The Tunnel) .. We had a big fuzzy spider crawl across the floor in front of them as they went into the living room where a covered body was laying on the couch and some floating heads were in the far corner under the hanging spider sack.
The dining area was set up for the Un-dead with a monster (our daughter Kayla) under it that would reach out its monster hands as unsuspecting people passed. Our kitchen was where the crazy chef cooked up the children of the neighborhood, the Witch's lair had a huge cauldron & all her potions.
Just when they thought they were safe, they left only to be scared by that creepy monster with the long claws half way down the driveway.
We set up a floating ghost who roamed the hallway upstairs and a ghost bride over by the treeline .,, everyone thought they were so cool. I'm happy to say we've had nothing but great reviews & are already throwing ideas around for next year.
The people of the area were pretty blown away We charged only $2 each to come through (just to cover some of our costs) We nowhere NEAR made back what we put into it but we really don't mind, now we have the stuff for future years and the people here got something cool to go to"
WOW Angela and Glyn if the pix we used for the video are any indication of what your "houseguests" witnessed, the only thing I'd say you were missing would be adult diapers for those who really lost control while having the living daylights scared out of them.
That was certainly a major undertaking and considering you spent more than you recouped, it was obvious, money was not the motivation for this massive endeavor.