On the Move
When I watched Dick Clark count down to the new year for what would be his very last time on December 31st, I had no idea just how much my life would be turned upside down within the months that followed.
In February Rob surprised me by telling me he felt it would be better for our relationship if he left my apartment and moved back to Welland (he was right, we're better today than we were then.)
In March I sought protection from my many creditors through a trustee. It resolved my debt situation but meant I longer had the buffer of credit to lean on.
April wasn't fooling when two major repairs to my car meant forking out over $1800 to make it road worthy again.
Of course, we all know what followed. On May 2nd I was merrily going about my work day when the owner and manager of the company showed up to advise me I was being let go effective that very instant. They handed me my record of employment and a severance cheque, gave me a few minutes to gather my personal belongings and escorted me to the door. I was told the reason for my dismissal was not based upon my performance but due to a lack of business, something I'd have less difficulty believing if not for the fact that someone else has been doing my job ever since.
With the sudden drastic drop in income coupled with a massive rent increase, on June 1st I gave my 60 day notice at the apartment building which I have called home for over 17 years.
Throughout it all I have continued to cope with my chronic neck and back pain, depression and anxiety. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think even the strongest of people might have a bit of a struggle coping with all that crap. But somehow, thanks in part to my massive support group and therapy, I have made baby steps forward.
For the first part of June, I became anxious and worried about where I would call home once my time was up at my current apartment. I tossed and turned in bed at night even more than I had been for the past few months. I looked online for apartments, but kept running into road blocks. They were available now or the 1st of July, they didn't allow pets, they were too small or more than I could afford. There always seemed to be some catch and I envisioned myself huddled in a large Maytag box with Timmi and J.R. come August.

Then it happened! On June 18th Rob was visiting his mother who lives in a 3 storey apartment building in Welland. The landlord happened to be around and Rob asked him if he had any apartments available. The landlord said there was a unit that would be available the end of July. Rob told him about me, got me on the phone, I spoke to the landlord and as of August 1st will reside there. The apartment is a one bedroom, perhaps a bit larger than where I am now. There's no elevator, but it is only 3 storeys and I will be on the top floor. There's no problem with my pets, I have a balcony, there's a laundry room (that costs less to use than here), I'll have a parking spot and the rent is $181.00 a month LESS!!
Can I get a big "HELL YA!!" LOL
I am so grateful to Rob for talking to the landlord and his mother for advising him I would be a great tenant ("He's like a son to me" she told him.)
I have to admit, this news has been a great relief, although there's still the stress of packing and moving to deal with next, but at least I know where I'll be going.
I like Welland and love that I will get to see Rob more and will be living in the same building as his mom. Of course there is one sad note and that's the fact that I will no longer be living in the same building as my sister Jane, her partner Ken and my nephew Graham. We have shared many great moments here on Roehampton Avenue and although I will be only a short drive away, it will be very different not living close to her and in the city where my family and many friends are.
But as I have discovered in abundance this year, life is full of twists and turns and sooner or later
everything changes, in one way or another.
I will need assistance moving once I have confirmed the date(s) and if ever there was a time I need to reach out and ask for "a little help from my friends", this is it. I can pack but I can't lift. I can book a U-Haul truck, but there's no frickin' way I'm going to drive it. I can't afford to pay you to help me, but I can come up with some cornball Scribbles contest and enter everyone who helps.
Speaking of Scribbles, in light of the big move, I'll be taking a brief hiatus mid July to mid August. Updates will resume once I'm settled in.
I want to extend my sincerest thank you to everyone who has offered their support, insight, prayers and a shoulder to cry on over the past few months. There are still hurdles to jump over but there is also a ray of light. A light I may not have discovered if it were not for all of you. Thank you for shining it so brightly through the storm clouds that were in my way.