Since the Supreme Court in America voted to approve same-sex marriage across the entire U.S., there have been many high profile figures share their opinion of the decision.
Scribbles pals are no exception. On facebook many friends gave their profile pix a rainbow effect to show their support -a trend that was as popular with straight pals as it was those in the LGBT community. What a great feeling it has been to see all those rainbow thumbnail pix when visiting facebook these days.
One of Scribbles most admired friends, Scott Johnson (aka Shada Black) summed things up so perfectly, we asked his permission to repost his words. He gladly agreed.
Scott wrote:
"This is not about haters vs. is about equality.
Race, colour, gender, sexual orientation and religious beliefs all make us individuals...being human makes us EQUAL!
To oppose that simply shows conceit and misguidance. No single group of people deserve anything more or less than be bitter about this change is, in my opinion, the most unreligious reaction.
To hide behind religion in order to be bigoted and hateful does not make you religious, it makes you simply bigoted and hateful.
No more excuses...Love.Has.Won."
Well said Scott, Thanks again for letting us spread the word.