The Dunnville Community Theatre continued to amaze audiences with their production of The Red Velvet Cake War by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope & James Wooten.
The comedy is set in Sweetgum, Texas and revolves around the wacky members of the Verdeen gang as they prepare for a dysfunctional family reunion. Cousins Gaynelle, Peaches and Jimmy Wy wager a bet with mean ol’ Aunt La Merle that Gaynelle will bake a better red velvet than her and what pursues is pure hilarity. Theft, a tornado, an ill-fitting glass eye and an amorous psychologist are but a few of the things that made everyone in the house laugh out loud.
What set this production apart from some of DCT’s other recent shows, was the size of the cast. Past productions have seen 3 or 4 actors portraying multiple roles, while The Red Velvet Cake War featured 9 actors portraying 12 characters (that’s a lot of quick costume changes, wigs and accessories.) It was refreshing to see new faces among our familiar favourites.
DCT President and director of the Red Velvet Cake War, Nancy Erskine, sat with my neighbour Deanna and I, for a front row experience that has us in stitches and wanting more.
The cast of The Red Velvet Cake War included Sheila Scumacher, (Cee Cee), Judy Wenjina, (Gaynelle), Ellen Bloomfield, (La Merle), Michael Maloney, (Aubrey and Purvis). Candace Stern (Peaches), Julie Turner, (Jimmie), Diane Morris, (Bitsy and Mama Doll), Jordan Heron, (Newt and Grover) and Tracey Stirling (Elsa). Behind-the-scenes, the crew included Linda, Everett, Ritchie, Chris and Wendy.